MovieChat Forums > Clash of the Titans (1981) Discussion > There was an awful lot of nudity in this...

There was an awful lot of nudity in this for a PG movie at the time.

I don't hate this movie and I admit I've not seen so many PG movies from that time but this movie showed a woman's boob nipple and all. Then there were scenes where it showed a woman and a little boy walking down a beach naked from behind showing their butts. Then it showed a woman getting up from a bath from behind showing her butt. I didn't really know they could do this at the time. Are there very many other PG movies from this time with this much nudity?

Kelloway: Doyle, get in the car.
Doyle: But I ordered Onion Rings.
Kelloway: Doyle!


PG movies from the late 70s and early 80s with ample nudity:
Hair, Ragtime, The Bounty (Mel Gibson/Anthony Hopkins version)

MPAA was clearly less uptight then. Sexual "innuendo," pot smoking, nudity got PGs. However graphic violence got an R. Nowadays it's the other way around (substitute the PG with the PG-13 for today). Today's PG is more like a "G."

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.


You even saw Mel's junk while he was swimming. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹


Sixteen Candles was PG and that had boobs tooWe want the Crites.


It's one of the reasons I believe society has taken a step back regarding somethings. For being so "liberated" and "tolerant" now, we really aren't.


Yeah, I coulda told you that like 25 years ago. In fact I DID tell "people" that then! But they always denied the truth of it, like they always do about truths, especially truths that are above and beyond them.

'Bout time someone else evolved a little for a change! Heh, yeah, right! *looks at watch; looks at calendar* Pfft! Whatever!

Well, at least you're more right about that today than you would've been then! Ooo, what a huge improvement! *claps wildly*


Hi, dnljack01-1 ~
I can't speak to how much nudity there was in other PG films, but I do know that there was no PG-13 rating until 1984. Prior to that, the PG rating was rather a catch-all for films that were "too much" for G yet not quite enough to be rated R.

So, yep, there are plenty of pre-1984 PG films that might make you be all about their content.

Have a good day!
Just shove a bezoar down their throats.





Ah I miss the PG standards of the 80s, Poltergeist scared the *beep* out of me as a kid and that's a PG movie haha, I love the 80s!

Life's tough, it's tougher if you're stupid.


If I remember correctly, it was the outcry of "violence" from Poltergeist and Gremlins that made the public cry out for a buffer between PG and R, hence the creation of PG-13. If you go way back to the late 60's, I remember being a little kid and seeing "Beneath the Planet of the Apes." One of the most violent fight scenes on film (when they use their minds to force Brent and Taylor to fight to the death with iron spikes)... and it was rated "G"!!!


Wasn't it Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom that finally convinced the MPAA to come up with the more-appropriate PG-13?


I think you're right. I couldn't remember if Temple of Doom was one of the ones that caused the PG-13, or one of the first ones to use it.


I believe Spielberg himself suggested the PG-13 rating after making Temple of Doom and producing Gremlins, because he thought that they were a bit much for PG ratings but not strong enough to be R-rated.

I agree with what people are saying about the nudity, especially since it was non-sexualised. An amusing example of the MPAA's perverse way of treating nudity was when the director's cut of Amadeus came out; there was a scene added showing a woman's breasts for, oh, a few seconds, and they reclassified it from PG to R. Insane.

If I have to tell you again, we're gonna take it outside and I'm gonna show you what it's like!


I believe it was Gremlins that caused the PG-13 rating.

This ain't my first tea party...


It was Red Dawn, actually...


Actually it was Gremlins. I'm sure if you look it up it will say so.
Red Dawn was just the one of the first to actually use it. But it was suggested and put into use because of Gremlins.

This ain't my first tea party...


Red Dawn was the first movie to be rated PG-13, but Gremlins and Temple of Doom were jointly responsible for its creation. Gremlins was actually rated 15 in the UK, much to the dismay of licensed toy sellers.


The uncut VHS was actually 15 in the UK - the PG (or A is was the then equivalent) theatrical was cut, but not for nudity, for the close-up of Calibos' fork piercing someone's body, and the shot of him writhing in agony with the sword in him was shortened.



yeah, it's too bad people are so freaking uptight nowadays.

They were just as "uptight," if not more so, back then. What happened was some directors were able to find some loopholes in the rating system and took advantage of them (nothing wrong with that, BTW). Due to the outcry over this, the rating system was amended.

No blah, blah, blah!


I believe it was Steven Spielberg who prompted the MPAA to create a PG-13 rating because of the violence in Temple of Doom which was threatened with an R rating which would have meant its core audience would not have been able to see it without a parent or guardian.


I believe it was Steven Spielberg who prompted the MPAA to create a PG-13 rating because of the violence in Temple of Doom which was threatened with an R rating which would have meant its core audience would not have been able to see it without a parent or guardian.

That film was actually rated PG back then, which created a big hue and cry to amend the rating system (which it did).

No blah, blah, blah!


lol...good one



That is stupid! Kids don't even have to go very far to see someone smoking! Just go outside of any public place and there'll be people smoking! Everyday I see somebody smoking! I saw people smoke as a kid too! It's not like it scarred me for life! It's also been talked about in the US to rate something a higher rating for smoking. I think it's stupid!

Kelloway: Doyle, get in the car.
Doyle: But I ordered Onion Rings.
Kelloway: Doyle!


Oh, lord. Our rating's system is really going to hell. Perhaps Travis Bickle will come and kill them for us. But I doubt it. He lives in New York. And plus, you know, he's a fictional character. I always forget that part.

This ain't my first tea party...


That is the thing about the 80's that I loved so much about it was the openness of showing nudity in a PG movie. They cracked down on it and created in 1984 the MPAA a PG-13 rating so that PG could be graphic but not as bad as a PG-13 rating though. I miss those days to be honest with you and loved how they showed women topless in a PG movie back in the late 70's and 80's as well.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


two really bad movies, but good examples of nudity in PG movies from that time..."The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" had a brief scene at the beginning with Dennis Quaid and a woman...showed his naked butt, and she was FULL FRONTAL...boobs and bush!!

"Can't Stop the Music" with the Village People had a shower scene of all men, and there was PENIS...and Valerie Perrine's bare boobs in a pool.


That is what I miss about the 80's to be honest with you because it seemed as if they pushed the envelope with frontal nudity a little bit more than what they do now in todays films.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


We need a return to the "French" attitude toward nudity here in USA.

I live on a topless family beach in Austin, Texas where kids see boobs all the time. Mothers and grandmothers go topless with their little ones frequently.


What you mean is a European look toward nudity because things are a lot more open minded in Europe compared to here in the states. I can remember back in the 80's they showed far more nudity in films than what they do now. If you listen to any of the directors cut or special features from films back in the 80's the directors state that they show so much nudity in their films that the MPAA is saying that they are almost close to a XXX film when really they are at a hard R rated film.

Plus, todays film companies try to water down the films to get all of the 13 on up to 18 year olds squeezed into movie theaters so that they can make the money off of them. If they make it a R rating then they think that they are losing the money from the young teenagers. What the film studios fail to realize is that if they make it into a hard R rated film then guess what this causes? It causes the parents to take their kids and friends to go see a film. They would actually be making money that way if they looked at it in that sense you know.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


Clever point. More seats filled with the "adult guardian" in the theater now.


See the way that I am looking at it is a business mindset. I know that if I was to create a hard R rated movie and it meant my son who is a teenager who wants to go see it is begging me to take him then I would do it. I would rather pay money to go see things that us adults can enjoy. Plus, the film studios can make more money if I am taking in as a parent my child and their friends to go see a movie. Yes! If you have more seats filled with "adult guardian" then you could make more money that way because then the film studios will be pleasing not only the teenagers, but also the adults as well. You could even say it would cut down on the phone calls during a film, teenagers screaming, laughing, running around, or anything else you can think of.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


Parents taking their kids to see a "hard R" movie? No....responsible parents won't whether the kids beg or not. Parents are supposed to be the adults....part of the adults' job is to say NO when necessary.

And, moving to a related topic, the NC-17 rating is pure box office poison and, as such, studios avoid it like a plague.

ξ€Ύ The bad news is you have houseguests. There is no good news. ξ€Ύ



Well the film was released several years before a PG-13 rating was invented. But even a pg-13 would be light nowadays.

This ain't my first tea party...


I prefer this version of the movie over the remake since it is truer to the myth. I don't know if any of you are familiar with the myth but Andromeda was chained to the rock completely naked (I don't know if a reason is given for this or not). I think if they chose to do this in the movie I doubt the rating would have changed much because of the time this movie was made.


According to Wikipedia, the original screenplay had Andromeda chained to the rock naked, but when they submitted the script to the BBFC, the censors said it would not gain a PG or A rating, so they changed it so she would be clothed.
