english overdub

i'm really interested in seeing this movie, but apparently it's never been released with english subtitles (as you're all probably aware). the thought of overdubbed english voices is scaring me off a bit from buying this, but i can't rent it from any stores near me and i don't belong to netflix so my basic question is if it's worth buying this movie with the english overdub, or do they ruin the experience?


ok upon further investigation it appears that only the region 1 version hasn't been released with english subtitles, but regardless my question still stands.


I just recently watched this film here in the u.s. Rented from Netflix. And at first I was unsure about it being dubbed. (all dubbed movies should be outlawed) but it was really not too bad. At times it is a little off putting but you get used to it. There is not too many close ups of their mouths when their talking so you don't get to see how off it is. It does kind of sound like the same woman doing all the female voices and the same man doing all the male voices. It's probably not but at times you can't tell. But once you get into the story and horror of their situations it is easy to suspend your belief.
This must come out in America with subtitles huh it would be twice the amazing movie it is. Does anyone know who to write to petition this?
Hope this helped iburker but you are probably more unsure then you were before.


thanks for the input. i think i'm gonna just bite the bullet and buy it. it sounds like a really good movie and i don't see any other way to that i'll get to see it. i'm crossing my fingers that it's not gonna come off like one of those ridiculous karate movies from the 70's.


Please please please release this film with subtitles - after listening to their voices in German and then hearing the juxtaposition of the horrid English dubbing, it was nearly unbearable. But by the end of the movie the visual essence of the film completely razes any concern or aural disgust from your mind (just like ROSSKO said). Amazing insight into a period long before my time.


I'd just like to point out that Play.com has been selling a subtitled version for ages. Still is.


I just saw this gem of a film on satellite.And as dubbed films go they got some decent actresses to dub it ....I hate dubbed films but this was very acceptabley dubbed in my opinion.


The most annoying thing is the use of the word b...s..t! They must say it about a hundred times!
Jan B


Remember when her sister is moving out to live with the dad and she says something like 'So you're going to live with the old man, eh?'.
That was painful to hear.


I think the english dub on the Netflix version is AWEFUL- especially if you watch the original version and realise all that is lost in the "translation".
This website has it with english subtitles:


There's a brazilian dvd with the English subtitles. Much better than the dub!


The dubbed version has had many sex scenes cut out, so if you are interested in buying the film for the young star's steamy nude scenes then spring for the subtitled version. Otherwise, the dubbed version couldn't be all that terrible.

NOTE: I am getting this into from doktorfroyd.com, it may be accurate may not be I haven't actually boughten a film from the site.


Region 2 version is subtitled. Try Amazon.co.uk and hack your dvd player to be multi-region.

664 - Neighbor of the Beast...


i agree with neonsky, i saw this movie twice in the 80's at the TLA here in philadelphia, once w/subtitles and the other was dubbed. the dubbed version was dreadful! it seemed to me that much of the essence of the dialouge was lost in the dubbed version.


The dialogue is not really important in that movie, there isn't much of it to begin with. Half the time I just turn off the sound & put Bowie on instead.
