Can someone help please…I’m going to get this DVD but wanted to check if anyone knew whether the American DVD is dubbed in English or has subtitles…as well as the UK version.
shareCan someone help please…I’m going to get this DVD but wanted to check if anyone knew whether the American DVD is dubbed in English or has subtitles…as well as the UK version.
shareI've seen enough posts on Amazon that to know the US version is NOT subtitled; it just has the original german track and lame English dubbed version...
However, the UK version, which is what I have, DOES have english subtitles. now as to why they wouldn't put them on the US DVD I don't know. If you live in the US you can order it through Amazon.co.uk, but you need to have a multi-region DVD player (it's a region 2 disc) and you need to have a TV that can play a PAL signal (pretty much any new LCD, video projector, or plasma tv can handle it. If your DVD is not multi-region, look it up on the net and you might find that you can unlock the feature by typing in a secret code on your remote...
i got a dvd that has bouth
shareThe US dubbed version is totally appalling - it sounds like they took a bunch of early-30's "Carrie" audition rejects and had them read the script as if it was a Tru-Luv confession story in Tiger Beat or something. For English speakers, the German should be understandable in that the rhythm of the language is familiar and many pf the words are so easy to pick up almost without realising you're doing so. You'll find this movie with subtitles quite easy to follow overall, so please give it a try. IMHO it really makes the critical difference to the quality of the movie. Don't ever see the subtitled version!
When morning comes twice a day or not at all
I was really disappointed to find the dvd from Netflix had only dubbing or German with no subtitles. I didn't bother watching it after 5 minutes, dubbing sucks.
shareIt can be bought on ebay.com.au really cheap, under $20 australian, in German with subtitles. Just be aware it's region 4. You gotta watch the German, though I'm almost curious to see the infamous dub due to it's hideous reputation.