MovieChat Forums > Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo (1981) Discussion > Thank You, Christiane Felscherinow...and...

Thank You, Christiane Felscherinow...and she's still very vivid ☺

With this movie about young Christiane Felscherinow and the previous book many lives were saved.
That didn't appear in any statistic and never will.

The brutal honest portrayals are till today up to date:
Seeking attention - affection and love,
Misunderstood "coolness"
Peer pressure,
Drug abuse,
Hard withdrawal...cold turkey

Who wants to talk with often hard to reach young people may start with the movie.
As a youngster was very touched by the film; directly after it I've read the book and never touched hard drugs.

However, one should be prepared for a following open discussion.
And try to be honest!
If you deny your own consumption of whatever or start to patronize you won't be accepted as a discussion partner anymore. The youngsters know anyhow about your habits, possibly better than you yourself.

Christiane Felscherinow is 52 years old now and participates in a Methadone Programme what helps her to stay away from heroin. She suffers from health problems and probably won't become old.
But she's doing ok and still looks good considering her age and what she went through.

Last year she published a book about her entire life up to the present.
On her web-site is a short video with her (in german), her blog is closed.
Aside from the steady fight against her own drug addiction her life was interesting and somewhat glamorous.
She even met David Bowie (her girlhood idol) who performed at his best in the movie.
They attended the german premiere of the film together.

Christiane Felscherinow didn't have the luckiest start into her life and for sure still has her flaws.
I will always stay grateful for her sincerity and her courage with what she rescued so many.

Cordial thanks to a brave girl and the wonderful woman she became...against all odds!


She was one of the reasons that I never used any drugs.
Yesterday I watched this with my children and hope it had the same impact.
Thanks Christiane.


chrissie-route66-706-322219 (Sat Aug 30 2014 00:56:58)

She was one of the reasons that I never used any drugs.
Yesterday I watched this with my children and hope it had the same impact.
Thanks Christiane.

For sure the movie had an impact!
Provided your children are old enough.
No discussion after you watched it?

Hey, her new book is worth to read also.
Interesting, how her life went on.
And no glorification of drugs...not at all! -edition/


My oldest is 13,5 and the second is 11,5 (he was definitely to young but as the second child its very difficult to separate them)

I think maybe it was too harsh for my children. They were in a state of shock.
But we discussed after this for a long time and that brought us very near.
It can be your best friend or your girlfriend you have this huge crash on.
I just want them to feel prepared to say NO.
More and more the parents arent important , friends are.

A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.


chrissie-route66-706-322219 (Mon Sep 1 2014 08:12:36)

My oldest is 13,5 and the second is 11,5 (he was definitely to young but as the second child its very difficult to separate them)

I think maybe it was too harsh for my children. They were in a state of shock.
But we discussed after this for a long time and that brought us very near.
It can be your best friend or your girlfriend you have this huge crash on.
I just want them to feel prepared to say NO.
More and more the parents arent important , friends are.

A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.

Well, the development of children is quite different, even inside the same family.
Basically your children are old enough for this movie.
Christiane Felscherinow was 12 when she started drugs, with 14 heroin-addicted.
Yes, reality can be harsh and shocking.

And true, friends become more important.
While parents always have a special position during the whole life.
There are not so much people you call Mama and Papa.


There are not so much people you call Mama and Papa.

You put it so nice that I got tears in my eyes. So sweet.Thanks

A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.



Today's International Woman's Day.
(Internationaler Frauentag / Weltfrauentag).

As every year our men please us on the streets in good ways.
Some men hand over red roses. 🌹
One wrote a "text-hymn". 📃
(for the translation scroll down)

Texthymne zum Internationalen Frauentag
8. März 2016

Liebe Frauen und Mädchen in unseren schönen Landen
und unserem Berlin hört mir einmal zu.
Die Gleichberechtigung von Euch liegt mir besonders am Herzen,
denn damit kann man nicht scherzen.

Ihr Frauen sollt es wissen,
zur Liebe gehört nicht nur das Küssen.
Nein, auch beim Beischlaf müsst Ihr selbst entscheiden können,
um mit Eurem Mann zu pennen.

Ihr braucht nicht mehr eine Ausrede,
wie zum Beispiel: "Ich habe Migräne."
Dafür verliert kein Mann eine Träne.
Sagt einfach zum Mann "Ich hab' keine Lust",
beim GSV heute Abend nur Frust.


Den Mädchen sage ich für das erste Mal,
auch Ihr sollt entscheiden, wann das erste Mal sein soll.
Aber nur mit Verhütungsmitteln bis zum Ende Eurer Ausbildung,
um eine ungewollte Schwangerschaft zu vermeiden.

Diese Zeilen schrieb für Euch Frauen und Mädchen
Klaus L.
Mahlsdorfer Heimatdichter
12623 Berlin-Mahlsdorf

Text-Hymn for the International Woman's Day
8. March 2016

Dear women and girls in our beautiful land
and our Berlin listen to me once.
Your equal rights are very important to me,
there's no kidding.

You women should know,
for love is not just kissing.
No, even about intercourse you must be able to decide yourself,
to kip with your husband.

You need no longer an excuse,
such as: "I have migraines."
For this no man loses a tear.
Just say to the man, "I have no desire."
the intercourse tonight frustration.


To the young girls I say for their first time,
You shall also decide yourself when the first time is supposed to be.
But only with contraceptives until the end of your education,
in order to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

These lines were written for you women and girls by
Klaus L.
Mahlsdorfer Regional Poet
12623 Berlin-Mahlsdorf

That's neither Goethe nor Schiller but for his special "text-hymn" Klaus got a kiss on his cheek.
Yes, we love our men even if they're lefties.
And our men love us even though we like to be difficult.



As of today November 12, 2022 she's still alive.
She's a little battleship. ⛵​
Some few years ago she was attacked (patronized) because of her dog, a bigger Chow Chow.
Didn't end too well for the offenders, but nobody was seriously injured. 🐶​
