I'm on methadone. Sometimes I have a joint. I drink too much alcohol. My liver is about to kill me. I have cirrhosis because of hepatitis C. I will die soon, I know that. But I haven’t missed out on anything in my life. I am fine with it. So this isn't what I'd recommend: this isn't the best life to live, but it’s my life.
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. be kind, rewind... reply share
I'm on methadone. Sometimes I have a joint. I drink too much alcohol. My liver is about to kill me. I have cirrhosis because of hepatitis C. I will die soon, I know that. But I haven’t missed out on anything in my life. I am fine with it. So this isn't what I'd recommend: this isn't the best life to live, but it’s my life.
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. be kind, rewind...
That article/interview is more than 2 years old. Christiane Felscherinow is still alive.
What do you think about the methadone programme?
Time Is on My Side...(Jerry Ragovoy)...32C3 → 33C3 reply share
I paid for a friends methadone program three times in the late 80's. I don't think it works for many people. I think there has to be something more and that the problems of addiction need to be fought on as many fronts as possible.
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. be kind, rewind...
I paid for a friends methadone program three times in the late 80's. I don't think it works for many people. I think there has to be something more and that the problems of addiction need to be fought on as many fronts as possible.
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. be kind, rewind...
You've to pay in US for methadone yourself?! Here (DE) it's paid by health-insurance.
I know methadone works for many heroin-addicts. It saved many lives and I don't want to see dead bodies again, leastwise not in this way. Well, sooner or later we'll all die. Addicts here get checked before they're allowed to join the program. This program gets them away from the street and crime...and overdosage. They're even able to work again.
And true, drug addiction needs to be fought on many ways. reply share
She did not have insurance. Government will not cover it at that time.
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. be kind, rewind...
Since end of the 1980ies the german government pays for methadone programmes.
Die Krankenkassen haben die Substitution längst als Krankenbehandlung anerkannt und bezahlen sie inzwischen ohne Antrag und ohne zeitliche Begrenzung. Voraussetzung ist immer eine begleitende psychosoziale Betreuung (PSB) durch eine anerkannte Drogenberatungsstelle...
The health insurances already recognized substitution as a medical treatment and pay now without request and without time limit. Precondition is always a concomitant psychosocial care (PSB) by an approved drug-counseling center... http://www.ambulante-suchtmedizin.de/berlin_substitution_01.html