hi, does anybody happen to know the name of the piece of music that plays during the team america training scene with schultz and the rest of the team? i can't seem to find it in the soundtrack. any help would be appreciated.
I know the piece (it's not a song, no one sings) you are talking about.
Are you sure it's not on the soundtrack album?
Some of the pieces ended up on Vangelis's other albums. I don't know which one it could be on -- you might have to buy a few of them to find it. There used to be a post here from someone who knew which Vangelis albums all the missing pieces are on, and he left a note to PM him. Unfortunately, IMDB deleted that post a long time ago on one of its mass purges.
So, short of that, look on IMDB for all of Vangelis's albums. Also, on the Chariots of Fire article(s) on Wikipedia, some Vangelis albums that contain some of the CoF pieces are listed.
ahah you're right. it isn't a song. but yeah that does help thanks a lot. i'll have a look at Vangelis' other albums and post the music if i'm able to find it. thanks again.