Stupid Movie

This is one of the most stupidest movies I have ever seen but, also one of the funnier ones too, the film was made to be stupid, so stupid it was funny! One of my favorite scenes was the abonible snowman, when all the Cavemen saved Lar and the snowman was left to him self and he was whining like a litte kid, that was classic, but the whole movie was made to be stupid, I think that is why alot of people missunderstand it, they think the film makers made it out to be a true representation of cavemen, but they made it as some sort of a parody, it's alot like Dumb and Dumber, It Is Suppost To Be Stupid, take it as that and watch it, but don't take it was a bad film!

A fan of Caveman, Scary Movie and Dumb and Dumber.... All Films made to be so Stupid, they are Funny!

~Sander~Fan of GB
The world showed no compassion for me!
