Where Can I Get The Music?

Specifically the two Ray Stevens songs, "Cannonball" and "Just For The Hell Of It". I love these songs, as the opening credits is one of my all time favourites. Both have tremendous sentimental value and give me a great feeling every time I watch the movie.

I would love to buy these songs, as I'm not really into steaming or illegal downloading, but itunes doesn't have them and that's about the only option I know.

Anybody out there have any ideas?


I have 'em!

As well as Smokey & the bandit 1,2 and most of 3.

All in MP3 format, no original source pressings.

If you can't find the songs on YouTube, let me know in a pm and I'll help you out.


Yep...get all your hard to find movie tunes on youtube...easy as to do and finally after these years, you can have it stored on your smart phone. Trying to get a soundtrack in regional town in Australia in the 80s was impossible..but now its possible..go for it..you'll be surprised ???????????
