Please tell me something. Is this the REAL uncut version. I have brought this up MANY times on this board. I am a fan of this movie. I saw it many many times as a kid. And unfortunately people think this isn't a very funny movie, because they have only seen the sliced and diced version.
I know there have been many cuts. And I can almost say this was originally an R rated movie, or at least was R for cable in it's uncut state.
I found online (text only) the quote which I know is cut from every version I have seen in the past 20 years. It's the quote Farrah Faucet says to JJ in the bar, about trees. The last line below is missing from any DVD I have ever seen. Below is the mostly unedited version. The "censored" part below looks like it was the version that was dubbed "ball". Which when I originally saw it, I can almost swear she used the f-word. Then it was dubbed for cable. I vividly remember being disappointed as a kid, because as immature as it sounds, I knew when and who said all of the f-words in movies I watched. I had a friend, and we would count f-words in all of our favorite movies. And my parents had cable and didn't care what I watched, and sort of encouraged it. So please tell me, does the full quote appear in the Blu-Ray? If not, I can tell you there are many other jokes that are virtually wiped out.
I'm into people who are into trees.
Know what I like about trees?
You can lie underneath them
in a soft, summer breeze
b****** your brains out for free!
Is the quote like this? With at least the line about "ball your brains out". Or maybe an f-word version if it exists? I know the "ball your brains out" version does. Just Google "Cannonball Run trees quote".