The Blu-ray

Surprisingly good quality Blu-ray disc... best video and audio presentation I have ever seen of this film. Find it for under $10 bucks and pull the trigger. n=8

Barbeau and Buckman in 1080p are well worth it.


I just got it from Amazon and I agree, the film has never looked or sounded better.

"Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man."


It is great!

Shame we didn't get the animated 20th Century Fox logo, but that was probably on copyright grounds as distribution has changed hands...


Please tell me something. Is this the REAL uncut version. I have brought this up MANY times on this board. I am a fan of this movie. I saw it many many times as a kid. And unfortunately people think this isn't a very funny movie, because they have only seen the sliced and diced version.

I know there have been many cuts. And I can almost say this was originally an R rated movie, or at least was R for cable in it's uncut state.

I found online (text only) the quote which I know is cut from every version I have seen in the past 20 years. It's the quote Farrah Faucet says to JJ in the bar, about trees. The last line below is missing from any DVD I have ever seen. Below is the mostly unedited version. The "censored" part below looks like it was the version that was dubbed "ball". Which when I originally saw it, I can almost swear she used the f-word. Then it was dubbed for cable. I vividly remember being disappointed as a kid, because as immature as it sounds, I knew when and who said all of the f-words in movies I watched. I had a friend, and we would count f-words in all of our favorite movies. And my parents had cable and didn't care what I watched, and sort of encouraged it. So please tell me, does the full quote appear in the Blu-Ray? If not, I can tell you there are many other jokes that are virtually wiped out.

I'm into people who are into trees.
Know what I like about trees?
You can lie underneath them
in a soft, summer breeze
b****** your brains out for free!

Is the quote like this? With at least the line about "ball your brains out". Or maybe an f-word version if it exists? I know the "ball your brains out" version does. Just Google "Cannonball Run trees quote".

