MovieChat Forums > Bloody Birthday (1981) Discussion > Most annoying children ever?

Most annoying children ever?

They act so innocent, it drives me mad, they're so evil and its so unfair that they always get away with the murders when they should be jailed for life and should suffer miserably and not think they're so cool for all their murderous acts.



Nope, they are not.


They were cool. Curtis ruled.


They were lovely well behaved kids if you ask me.


I'm agree with milleenblogger. But unfortunately, there are some stupid people enjoying with this kind of movies. The children should be in a jail every day of their lives, 'cause they are MURDERERS, and not national heroes! They are EVIL, not good!


What do you expect, kids today are all F** in the head



Not nearly as annoying as the pervy kid from The Pit (1981).


The poor other boys get caught and her mother runs off with her.



"Not nearly as annoying as the pervy kid from The Pit (1981)."

You better not let Jamie hear you say that.

My head hurts, my teeth itch, my feet stink, and I don't love Jesus.


You want to see them get caught but it never happens.



Curtis was THE most annoying one, right away I wanted to smack the hell out of him.


I thought Curtis was cool. I thought the most annoying one was the one that looked like Bam Bam.


What WAS that kid's name anyway? He wasn't used as much as the other two were, that's for sure, it was mainly Curtis' doing but Bev seemed to be the brains of the outfit.


His name was Steven and yeah we the audience know almost nothing about him, his family was the only one we never meet, and he only commits one murder, all we know about him is he's a little less intelligent than Curtis and Debbie and can be just as dangerous if given the chance.


Yeah, I think those kids got off far too easy and (spoiler) the little girl didn't even get caught!

Miss Halloween?


Did you want the children to be murdered? I could argue they're not responsible for their actions, being 10 and born without a conscience (like psychopaths!) No child characters died in this film and I think that was deliberate. At the time, the film may have even been banned! I like how the murderers survive the movie. It makes it creepier! Steven and Curtis were probably released from juvi at age 21.


I like the ending as well. Joyce and Timmy get away alive and so do Steven, Curtis, and Debbie (who gets away with everything completely). It was a happy ending for all involved. Both the villains and two lead characters get away with their lives. In most horror movies, either the victims or the villains are the ones to get away victorious but this film had both so that makes it unique. I do agree with you that Steven and Curtis probably wouldn't get locked up long for what they did.

Anyways, none of the children in this film annoyed me. I actually liked all of the characters which is rare for me because most horror movies have at least one character I can't wait to see get killed.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


Aye, along with the kids in "Who Can Kill a Child?". The death-by-shovel in the graveyard reminded me of a Vic Reeves & Bob Mortimer skit though!


I thought they were fine.

There's something wrong with Esther.
