scariest movie?

Did anyone else think this one of the scariest movies ever made? Slasher pix, doomsday sagas, post-holocaust stories don't scare me the way this one does.

Except for the "happy" ending, in which the self-righteous get their comeuppance, everything in this movie is so very possible, even plausible.



But I wouldn't use the word scary. Disturbing, on the other hand...


Yes, you are right. It is a very disturbing movie, which could all too easily happen. That's why it scares me. The power of the media seems to have little or no check on it.


I don't think it is "media power" so much as it is simply power. "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton

" ... never send to know for whom the bell tolls ... "


The power of the media is indeed one of the major curses of our time. Having lived through 2 decades of it, it is no more disturbing to me now than the huge mole under my arm that freaked me out when I was a kid.

I've just watched it for the 3rd time in my life and what really got me about it this time is how well it portrayed the grey areas involved in doing "the right thing". The title of the film is all-important. There is absence of malice on the part of everyone in the film. All involved are trying to do the right thing, and everyone ends up being compromised, either by misjudgement of their own, or trying to make amends for other peoples' misjudgement. And I love the point about accuracy and truth being much further apart than you might suppose without thinking about it.

All in all this film is eloquent, gripping, thought-provoking and superbly acted. Whoever gave it a 4 should get over himself!
