Wilford Brimley was great

I thought Wilford Brimley absolutely stole the scene he was in. So cue all the Brimley haters out there.


I thought Wilford Brimley absolutely stole the scene he was in.
No argument from me on that one. He was perfectly cast and helped round out proceedings beautifully.


Hey folks,

Wilford Brimley was great in this film, but I have always thought Brimley is great in every film he does. Brimley is one of the best character actors we have ever had, and we have had many good character actors.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile


Wonderful thing, a subpeenie.


That one scene introduced Brimley to the world and got him work for the rest of his life.

I had actually seen him three years previously in “The China Syndrome,” but this was his career-maker.


Yes, he was great.


My only criticism of the film is how he thoroughly stole that scene. Doesn't make it any less enjoyable, though!
