Surprised this movie's overall rating isn't about a point higher. Not very often does a movie come out with an excellent story, superb acting, and doesn't sell out.
shareSurprised this movie's overall rating isn't about a point higher. Not very often does a movie come out with an excellent story, superb acting, and doesn't sell out.
shareI was watching a talkshow on PBS a couple of nights ago and there was an editorial comment about the responsiblity of the media. A reference was also made to several movies which included, "Absence of Malice", "All The President's Men" and others. I saw the movie only once, about 20 years ago so last night I went thru my collection and watched AOM again. I rate this movie among the best. How true, they don't make movies like these anymore.
shareI gave it a 4.0 because of miscasting Sally Field. Too prime and proper for a news reporter.
shareand for that you are prepared to have this film get an average rating about 2 points lower than it deserves? sally field was no more miscast than redford in ATPM. rate that 4 did you? muppet. and it's "prim and proper".
shareif this movie hadn't come out in the same year that 'on golden pond' came out, there would have won oscars for the actors and actresses involved, which would help the 'missing stars' situation.
great movie. great script. great actors doing some great acting. this movie deserves a berth in the top #250. i watch it at least six times a year. enthralled, every time.
my favorite line??
mr. newman says, 'everybody in the room is smart. everybody's just doing their job. teresa peron is dead. who do i see about that?' this scene never fails to lay a line of goosebumps up and down my skin. 42
That's probably my favorite line too, alvink. It reminds the viewer that Newman's character is not revelling in the "I gotcha" moment one iota. He lost his best friend, and as a result he showed the flaws in the system which eventually caused it to implode. Trajic and triumphant all in one motion.
I watch it only about once a year (I should watch it 6 :-)), and am always mesmerized at the depth in which it critiques our flaws. I think everyone, not just news reporters, start unsubstantiated rumors about people that have little or no merit that often lead to devastation.
I watch it about that often, too, and am likewise always struck by how insightful it is.
And you're right about Gallagher (Newman) not reveling in the "gotcha" moment, but without a doubt, my favorite bit of dialogue comes a little later.
MEG: You got us all, didn't you, Michael?
GALLAGHER: You got yourselves.
I agree. Absence of Malice is a terrific movie. Everyone employed in the news media should be required to see this movie.
shareYou're absolutely right and anyone who doesn't rate it higher should stick to the no story, no character development, cgi actioners or teen movies they obviously are more geared to.
For me, it's a 6.
It scored points for showing (to some extent) the way that the authorities can attempt to manipulate the media.
It scored points for attempting to build an interesting and credible story to show how little protection the "absence of malice" rule provides for a citizen who is defamed.
But it chickened out of being truly brave and complex.
Sally Field decided that sometimes she would protect her source and sometimes she wouldnt, depending on what she - retrospectively - thought about them. In reality, the journalist's code ought to be to protect your source regardless.
I also thought that the way that Paul Newman was so easily able to manipulate the US govt into sacking his enemy was highly implausible. I'm sure in real life, the Justice Dept would have banded together to make sure that Newman was the one who took the fall.
This movie is "insightful", as one poster wrote. I gave it an 8 because even with flaws it is very watchable and intriguing, and I wasn't bothered by Sally Fields' performance, as some were. The thing is you have to think a lot, unlike with many films today. That's a plus, but not with many action-movie fans.
shareYou have to remember that when this film was made, journalists were not as "protected" with regard to sources, and Megan relied on the paper's lawyer and her editor for guidance. She was also in over her head, trying to get ahead with her career (and get taken seriously as a woman in a "man's" world). That's why Rosen picked her in the first place to the leak the story.
I gave this movie an 8 for the writing as well as the performances. Plus it's timeless in terms of govt. abuse, journalistic ethics, even labor union strife in urban areas. This film (along with The Verdict) are the reason Paul Newman got the Oscar for "Color of Money." That movie was crap, but the Academy came to realize how badly they had screwed Newman for his previous work.
You have to remember that when this film was made, journalists were not as "protected" with regard to sources ...
I dont necessarily think that's true ...
But I dont think it's relevant, to be honest. If the journalist accepts a story on the basis that the source will remain confidential, then the journalist can't just renege promise on that because she decide she likes a third party better than she likes the source.
The whole point about having ethics in any profession is for those situations where your natural interests might be to reveal confidential information. If your natural instincts were to maintain confidentiality anyway, then you dont need ethics to tell you to keep silent.
But journalism, law, medicine, priesthood all operate on the basis of guaranteed confidentiality. Not confidentiality subject to the capricious whims of the person that you put your trust in.
I could not agree more. This is one of the movies I am always compelled to watch when I see it in the listing. Great story, great characters and great casting. I think Sally Field was excellent in her role as, of course, was Newman and all.
My favorite line.....Have you given any thought as to what you would do when you left government service?