Diffrences (posible spoilers)
What are the diffrences between the book and the movie?
"28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds that is when the world will end." Frank, Donnie Darko
What are the diffrences between the book and the movie?
"28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds that is when the world will end." Frank, Donnie Darko
And now to be completely unhelpful.
The major differences are this (although I may miss a few points):
1) The movie will be released into theaters at the end of the month. The book is already available in bookstores.
2) The books are sort of a boxy rectangular shape, and although the movie may be released into VHS format which is a similar shape, you will have a much easier time interpretting the lettering on the pages as opposed to openning up the plastic flap of the cassette and trying to visually interpret the magnetic variations of the tape itself. As a further variation for the movie, it will be released also in a DVD format, which is round, flat, and will likely be scratched up by my two year old on the dusty and dirty wood floor, as he shoots them sliding across the room while my back is turned.
3) Audio. This feature has not been included with the book for a while. Yes, somebody may had recorded themselves reading the book, but let's admit it, it is just not the same.
4) Casting. In order to get people into the movie, the producers threw out a fishing line (hence: 'casting') and caught a number of people who proved to be interesting enough to record. The casting of the book however (the Primary Phase book at least) was simply that of a typewriter, several reems of paper, and some ink ribbons.
5) Length. The book is much shorter, at least until they can compact the yards and yards of film into a four inch DVD disc. Books vary from about 6+ inches to about a foot (depending on hardcover vs. paperback).
6) Corn dogs. The book has nothing to do with them. The movie however.. also has nothing to do with them, with the slight exception that on some major movie site's message board for said movie, a number of posters appear to have a very unhealthy fascination with these artery clogging pieces of heavenly delight.
7) Author's Critique. Unfortunately, due to an unfortunate prior engagement, the creator of the story (or stories) will not be available to watch the final version of the movie, at least in physical form. Thusly, he will not be able to give a final assessment of his own piece of work. His other engagement is to personally debate with the Lord Almighty over the fact that said Lord doesn't exist. After halftime, God had appeared to a number of his followers, and is admitting that for now Mr. Adams is winning the debate.
8) One of Arthur's moles: Although not mentioned in any radio show, TV program, book, LP record, movie, video game, or towel, a mole that was originally on Arthur's left arse cheek has unexplicably been moved to the right. Oddly enough, this had nothing to do with any of the cast changes. No one has seen this change, including the actors. But it has been theorized that Quantum Mechanics may be in play since no one has ever noticed this before and even now. One of the characters from a different series of Mr. Adams has been called in to investigate all corners of this scientific fictional oddity.... much to Martin Freeman's mounting embarrassment.
9) Sequels. At the moment, the book has them. The movie, at the moment, does not. However this may change in time. But whether it would be that the movie would gain sequels, or the book will lose what ones it has, it remains to be seen.
10) Sex. Both mediums will not have enough of it. Yes, I realize this is a similarity, but it is important to stress this point none the less.
It seems to me that you have neglected to inform said questioner of one very important difference between the film and the book, and that is sex - or rather the fact that both mediums will not have nearly en...oh...just a tick...i see now, yes - I have noticed your 10th point and stand corrected. Very good then. Nice work, sheeleyb. But your bill will still be $10...you know, for my trouble.
Just a note on point #3... Peter Jones actually does a good book-on-tape of Hitchhiker's, and since he is the original radio and TV voice of the Book itself, is actually worth digging up.
You failed to mention the biggest difference between the movie and the book (and also the radio show, tv series, and even the text adventure game). All previous versions to the Guide are pretty funny. The movie, sadly, is not.
"What do we do now?"
"Enjoy it..."