How can they make a remake of hgttg!!! The old one was a classic!! The new one is full of trendy wannabe's! From wot i've seen from the advert it looks really bad, full of special effects and un-cozieness!! as for Marvin, he doesn't even look depressed!!! It'll totally be ruined!!


people who work in films nowadays have no original ideas they either have to copy a book or remake a film, think of something new for once.


technicaly it's not a remake ya pud, it's just making another hitchhikers guide to the galaxy FROM THE BOOK. but still it's an unoriginal idea, i mean COME UP WITH SOMETHIN NEW!


What i meant u little rectums was a re-make of the book!!! It looks rubbish any hoo!


oh weeshed ya PUD. it looks soooooooo trying to be, the're makin it sound like they've made something new and original when obviously they haveny.


Well of course they haveny, the new one sucks butt! Zaphod ain't even got too heeds, theres wan on his neck which is soo wannabe!!! And as for arthur dent he sucks butt 2! The guy is too young!!


i loved the old cheapy heed on the othr wan it was pure class wasn't it??


Ay a know! The wee heed hangin aff his shoulder nay dain anything, it was soo cool, and arthur dent had a worry wart face which suited him, it waas pure good, the whole thing was warm and cheapy!


anything that looks cheapy usually looks cozy


Why are you complimenting the TV series? That was a remake too. So were the books.


Wot r y tlking about, how can the books be a re-make of itself? The tv series was brill! It at least fitted your imagination to what you read in the book! Unlike the adverts for the new film! Smeg head!


there was an audio of it first so technically it was a remake but it still had the same arthur dent actor


The tv series is the BEST end of story! Don't deny the truth!


i dont deny that this is the BEST it was really cosy and it has better jokes than the remake from what i saw in the trailers but like i said its pure class


Ay anno! The one thats comin oot the noo looks pure bad! I think it should get tae france!


whit r u oon aboot



well said!

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WOW! you could really use some work on your grammar, reading your posts is starting to make my head hurt.


yes yes, and the book was a remake of a radio series, what exactly IS your point?



Uh.. you have NO taste. I think it looks really cool. Plus the screenplay was written by the same guy. It will be a little different, but I bet it rocks


The majority of the people posting on here are from England or Canada. Show them anything with a BUDGET for special effects in a movie and they will automatically label it garbage since it makes any previous version look inferior. I'm not trying to troll or anything, but get a clue before bashing something based on a 2 min. preview. Movies are made to 1.) make money 2.) entertain. Period.


Or more specifically, movies are made to

1) make money by entertaining people,

2) see #1.



Movies should be specifically made to ENTERTAIN! not make money, but a good film will make money anyway! I know i'm a little negative toward the film and i understand that its attempting to appeal to a various audience but by the advert it looks totally dominated by special effects and full of wannabe quirky american humour!:) Its seems like its just been made specifically to make money!



the radio seris was the best, series 1 and 2 that is (written by Addams)
series 3 sucked a bit

yes movies should b made to entertain, showing artistic tallent along the way
but art doesnt sell, he got it right

-make money by entertaing people-

this is how the industry works now, as it is just another capatalist function
just trying to get money ______watch indapendant cinema_______

but douglas adams (RIP) had alot of influence and involvement with the making of
the movie from 1998ish till 2001 when he died. it shold have been released 2 years ago but studios kept pulling the plug.

this movie will be, at its core what Addams wanted. and you cannot argue with
what he wanted, as all that is hitchiker is his.

and why not spend loads on CG fx. withiout the fx it would not succeed in todays
climate, of cinema goers wanting to melt their eyes.


it should be left to its origional dry british humor.
that is what made it famous

"Earth, what a dull name"

(PS. i know that there is alot of good american humor out there, its just that it doesnt appear in films. (Meet The Fockers, wasnt funny, but it had intricate jewish jokes within it that most people missed. i know i did untill my freind told me about them))


wheew. I'm kinda glad this thread became less....angry by the end. I was all poised to disagree vehemently because I dont really listen to someone's opinion when they call people 'rectums'.

Aaanyway. When I first saw the trailer I was sort of thinking along the same lines, but then I realized- hey, if you want everything exactly like the book, radio shows, or minseries---just read the book, listen to the radioshows and watch the miniseries! They already exist, so if you want the same thing again just watch them again! (and yes I know you cant watch a radioshow or a book, but I was getting tired of writing in the extra verbs...)Personally I'm glad it will be different. Yeah, I really hope they stay away from potty jokes, slapstick and other forms of american humor, but if it was just the same thing over and over again, well, we already know the plotline! It would be dull! So I'm looking forward to seeing it, and I hope its different, and hopefully good, too.


well said!

"Earth, what a dull name"


I saw the movie on April 30th and it's awesome! I can't wait till it comes out on DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Snap, I agree, but was a fan already. From the perspective of a newbie, do you think it was well done? I really hope so because I want to see the remaining four books done up (I'd be OK if they skipped "So Long And Thanks For All the Fish").

I'm just concerned that if this were your intro to the material, you wouldn't get it (i.e. - who's gonna know what "belgium" meant when Ford said it).

To the guy who hated the Tertiary Phase: OMG!!! It had a rough start writing off the Secondary Phase as a psychotic episode, but from there it was incredible! A solid representation of the 3rd book! Of course, it's the first "backward" rendition -- from book to radio series. I can't wait for the Quandary and Quintessential phases!!

Oh well... while I disagree, you are entirely entitled to your opinion.

(sorry to double-post.... didn't want to wait for the time limit thingy between posts)

6 x 9 = 42 (base 13)


Belgium? I missed that entirely......I liked the opening sequence and the random cameos though.


The only thing thats making me think more postively toward the new movie is that they still have the brief explantions about the bable fish etc. But why has zaphod got another head on his neck? why not two heads??

"it was nothing..."
"oh was it, forget it then."


slapstick is american humor? hmmm so monty python were all americans were they? that is very interesting.


The special effects were vastly superior on radio, the makers of the film made a sensible choice in (almost) ignoring a throwaway line from the radio show regarding Zaphod having gained a head since his visit to Earth. Will the real Martin Smith from Croydon please stand up.

Films are made to 1). make money, any other results are purely coincidental.

you can't get the wood you know


umm, I for one am canadian and I thought h2g2 was entertaining as hell, regardless of special effects.


This is typical BS from someone who would rather bitch than actually go and see a movie before deciding.

I loved the series, I love the books and I love the movie. Sure it's different, but you know what ? I don't give a rats ass.

It is funny, quirky and made me laugh in a cinema which not many movies manage. The entire thing was done with the input of Douglas Adams up to the point of his death. All the new stuff and changes were approved by him and it shows, plus they add a new depth in some cases and changes were clearly needed to make the transition to a structured movie, as indeed they were made between Radio, books and TV.

This movie will bring the TV series (being shown from this week on BBC in the UK again finally) and books to a whole new generation of people and for me aything that can have that kind of impact is a positive. I hope they do make the other four books into movies now with the same crew and style as if they do it could create one of the best series of movies in a long long time.
