New Radio shows

The BBC are going to record 'Life the Universe & Everything' with the original cast (excluding Peter Jones obviously) this will be broadcast in february, the last two books will follow in due course.

you can't get the wood you know



now on the bbc site to be broadcast starting 21/9/04.
91 days & counting

you can't get the wood you know


if its the bbc it would be 9/21/04


New web site is pretty good for the show. It will be available on the internet for 7 days after the first repeat. As I live in Hong Kong and don't pay my license fee any more I consider this an excellent idea!


No it won't, Day Month Year is the way its done in the UK other so called civilisations may have different practices but the 21st of September 2004 is represented by the numerals 21/9/04

you can't get the wood you know


The other 2 books are being done as a radio show now. they are up on the bbc hitchhikers site now.
