confused. need help.

ahhhh im sooo confused.
ok heres the problemo. i just finished the trilogy of five and have many unanswered questions in my very confused brain.
such as:
what happened to fenchurch?
what about the dolphins?
how come arthur thought the earth had been demolished even though it seemed not to have been and everyone on earth thought that the CIA had brainwashed the entire population except for fenchurch????????
please help.

"Get out! GET OUT OF MY INNER SANCTUM YOU BLOODY BASTARD!" Dr. Alan Statham - Green Wing



yeh, i no those things, but don't the dolphins leaving and something happening to fenchirch just b4 the earth was demolished have anything more to them? i finished the books feeling oddly unsatisfied.

"Get out! GET OUT OF MY INNER SANCTUM YOU BLOODY BASTARD!" Dr. Alan Statham - Green Wing



as you can tell, i have no idea myself. i like 1 and 4, coz i thought it was leading somwhere with fenny and everything, but then she goes and dissappers!!! its a wonder how these books end up as such a phenomenon when the ending is so...vague, i suppose

"Get out! GET OUT OF MY INNER SANCTUM YOU BLOODY BASTARD!" Dr. Alan Statham - Green Wing



What is below is pretty much my interpretation of Book 5.

Book 5 is the most confusing; it should be read again at least once to pick up on everything that happened. I'm still not completely sure of everything but this is what I've got.

Both the Earth and Fenchurch disappeared from existence. This comes from the fact that Earth exists in a Plural Zone of the Universe (Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha), which means unknown things can happen to Earth and Earth's existence, and its goings-on along its probability axis (how it exists in the Universe). For example, during the beginning of Book 5, we are taken to an alternate Earth, where Trillian did *not* go with Zaphod at the party and Earth did not get demolished.

So, on the Earth that Arthur came from, Earth was demolished, but from the Earth that the 2nd Trillian came from, it wasn't. Prostetnic Jeltz made a comment on how it was difficult demolishing planets in Plural Zones because they could keep popping back into existence because of the way things worked. This totally goes against Book 4, which merely says the Dolphins had left a new Earth in the old Earth's place in the "Campaign to Save the Humans".

The new Hitch Hiker's Guide (designed to see in every Universe possible in the Whole General Mish Mash) seems to do whatever it can in order to make things happen as they are supposed (as it sees through its unfiltered perception), such as Ford not dying when assaulting the Hitch Hiker's offices.

Beforehand, at the beginning of Book 5, alternate Earth Trillian met with the Grebulons and taught them astrology, so they could plot out their lives in the stars. Later, Trillian Astra mentions several times in passing that the she has to cover a war, and we can infer that one of these warring tribes is the Grebulons. She says that they become lost in space-time, and the war she had to cover never happened. The biggest clue is that she says that they are about to make a big mistake. Earlier, the Grebulon leader decided to "take decisive action" by aiming his defense cannons at Earth. The book, by having Ford live, the book gets itself sent off to Arthur, where it is stolen by Random. Random then takes the book to Earth, having Trillian Astra, Arthur and Ford all chase after her. The Earth then gets demolished, leaving all the characters of the trilogy (minus Zaphod and Marvin) dead. Arthur, we know for sure, was supposed to die. He dies only after he's been to Stavro Mueller Beta (the club that Random went to to find alternate Earth Trillian).

This is all supposed to happen (I think; not 100% sure) and the book is making sure this happens as it is supposed (as they say, history cannot be altered - all the important changes have already been made and everything fits like a jigsaw) and it all did happen to way it was meant to. It does all fit together, but in a very odd and hard to understand way.

I hope I cleared things up instead of making it more confusing.


I agree with that, except the book never says that Arthur HAS to die right after visiting Stravro Mueller Beta, just that he will before he dies.



you made a mistake marvin died beofore that in so long and thanks for all the fish


I like to pretend that book 4 never existed. I didn't find it very engaging, until the end. I'm also pretty sure that DNA had the same viewpoint, hence the total and complete removal of every lingering plot-point that book had fairly early in "Mostly Harmless". I could be wrong, but it seems to me to be that way.

And for the record, Mostly Harmless was my second favorite of the series.


I think I read somewhere that they had another author "help" Adams finish the book (so Adams didn't write it alone) and it ended up being fairly bad...


Here's an idea. At the end of 2 they trigger the Q, A, and the universe to be destroyed and replaced by something more bizzare, but the process kept the same people, though the last 5 min. of memory was erased.

"28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds that is when the world will end." Frank, Donnie Darko


the tv show and the book are seperate entities, though written by the same person. Fenchurch is mentioned, she's the girl who suddenly realised how people could have peace.
They said the dolphins evacuated... they didn't bother going into more detail than that.
Just ignore all but the first book and a half of the book series when you watch the tv show. - hang out for writers, artists, actors, musicians, etc.


It should always be remembered when attempting to unravel HHGTTG continuity that every iteration and installment of the story flatly contradicts everything up to and including itself. This is, in most cases, intentional on DNA'a part.

Authority is the aqua regia of golden character.
