MovieChat Forums > The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1982) Discussion > One of the best miniseries to stay true ...

One of the best miniseries to stay true to the book...

HHGTTG mini series to me really captured the book's humor. The Guide entries kick major ass. The only major fuss about it was that it reminded me alot of Red Dwarf and Doctor Who(which was also written by D.Adams). It was just the setting and costumes though...It really has no flaws except for a few minor plot rewrites...I recommend this series to anyone who is a major fan of Hitchhiker's or of 80's british comedy..


im not sure i havnt read the books but i watched the film and seen about 3 or 4 episodes :)and i felt the series would be more like the book than the film. like the super computers anwser to the greatest question... which seriosuly cracked me up!..but in the film.. it hardly raised a smile as it wasnt done with the HHGTTG humor. So even with out reading the book i would put my money on your comment :)
This message was done in the best possible of taste :) x 24/7


yeah... but, since Douglas wrote the tv series, you can't really complain if it doesn't stay true to the book (though it really does quite well).

I don't see a problem with it seeming like Red Dwarf or Dr Who.
Remember Maid Marian and Her Merry Men?


Adams actually did the radio series and the show before he wrote the books so yeah it was done exactly like the book, awesome at that to. I loved it

Melodrama coming from you is about as natural as an oral bowel movement.-Clerks


Adams wrote for doctor who, but he didn't write all of it.

Two wrongs don't make a left hand turn.
