Need an episode

Hi, the family enjoyed this back in the day while it was on. I saw on where they've got several of the episodes, so I figured it would be good to go right back where I left off :)

Only problem is, I need help in regards to what episode this is...

Reading summaries doesn't help, as it's just the end that I recall, which usually all details aren't in a summary, so...

(those that don't want to read a spoiler, beware!)

I think the aliens came back and gave Ralph a new instruction book; if not, he got his hands on another one somehow. He was reading up on one of the powers he hadn't tried yet, which was to shrink himself. He did that, panicked when he saw some (now) giant ants coming his way, restored himself to normal size, then found where he left the shrunk book somewhere in the grass. It ended with him, Connie Sellica and Bill looking for the now miniature instruction book...I assume to be lost yet again. Ha ha.

If anyone knows what episode this was, I'd be very grateful to start watching the ones that come after it!


Hi. Welcome to the group.

The episode you're referring to is titled "Divorce, Venusian Style".

It was the Season 3 premiere episode.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Hi. Welcome to the group.


The episode you're referring to is titled "Divorce, Venusian Style".

Thanks for a quick response!!

Already seen two of the "new" episodes (well, to me anyway :) ) and shall be looking at more this week!

I'd say the show aged ok; the action sequences hold up (granted, all they did was speed up the film to look like Ralph had super speed and the like), but it's obvious in most shots he wasn't really flying. Not a big deal though. Some of the lines are corny but luckily I'm still enjoying this, as it's not one of "those" shows where you go back and it turns out it you didn't like it as much the second time around!
