Help with episode

Trying to figure out what episode it was where someone was electrocuted in some kind of tunnel? I remember there was a black guy and a white guy and the white guy got electrocuted. The black guy then jumped on some kind of golf cart and drove away. White guy appears dead, but sits up.

Anyone know?


Operation spoil sport.It's the second episode of season 2.I'm pretty sure this is the one your describing.

"You dont know what death is" Sam Loomis Halloween 2


That's it.

Outstanding episode, and that whole sequence is creepy as hell.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Probably my favorite episode of the series! What really pissed me off was when I bought the DVD series a few years back, they edited out the Joey Scarbury version of Eve of Destruction that played throughout the ep. They inserted some crappy generic 80's sounding song about the end of the world. Damn!


They did that to all the episodes that had the original singers/songs because of royalties and rights. I wished I taped the original aired shows now.


This particular story was "Operation: Spoilsport."

That said, there is another electrocution type story that season - "The Shock Will Kill You" - which basically turns Ralph into an electromagnet among other issues.
