The Beast in the Black

This one really scared me as a kid. I just saw it again for the first time in years, probably since the original broadcast. It is definitely creepy. Some strange afterlife dimension guarded by a Beast that is just a pair of glowing red eyes that come at you, a set of disembodied teeth, and a flash of fur moving past you. That was the only part of the episode I remembered, I guess I forgot the other creepy aspect of the show, a possessed Bill Maxwell with weird colored eyes and the voice of some dead lady. Pretty cool episode!



I got to see this episode again just a few years ago and I totally agree with you. As a kid, I was freaked out. I remembered the part where Ralph sticks his head through the portal and sees the lady and she just turns her head and looks at him. That part really stuck with me through the years as being one of the creepiest things I saw on tv as a kid, right up there with the movie Dark Night of the Scarecrow. Good episode! Now I'm gonna have to watch it again!



This episode has stuck in my mind since it first aired! When I found the series on dvd, it was the first episode that I watched .... I had to.

Thanks for the forum post.


Yeah I was about 8 at the time and had nightmares about this episode. Very well acted. Connie was out on maternity leave, but Bob and Billy Katt carried it well. Culp was superb playing Maxwell possessed by Sheila Redman.
