Fan sites and fanfic
Hi, my name's annie and I'm a first time poster here, so please excuse the nerves.
I've been lucky enough to enjoy this classic series over again on five US, and it's brought back so many memories. I thought Lee Majors as Colt was just the perfect choice, he had such a dry humour to him, and Doug Barr's Howie was so loveable, however klutzy he was.
It's staggering to think that, when it was first shown, I was still at school and hadn't even learned to drive. Still, Colt and Howie certainly gave me some tips for when I finally did!!
Anyway, I'm really glad I've found this board, but I'm a bit puzzled that I've not been able to find more sites for the series on the web.
Does anyone here know of any good fansites, or any sites which feature fanfic?
Any help would be much appreciated - thanks!