i love this program!

ive just started watching it on five us

i have no idea why its so good

i couldnt tell you what makes it a likeable program

its just good


and im a 17 year old, i like it despite the fact its dated

i should be watching 24 or something... lol

http://www.petitiononline.com/bbmm/petition.html Less than Perfect DVD petition


Good for you, kid!

Have the songs been removed as they are in the crummy season one DVD set?


This show was always great when I was watching it at the age of 11 years old and now that I am 35 it still brings back fond memories of great times as a child.


It's great to watch it on Five US except that a) Many of the episodes are horribly edited to make room for more ad time, and b) They show like, three, then repeat them over again. I'd prefer to see the whole series run, then repeated. But it's still good to see it on our screens.


Jayson you have to remember that 26 years ago or during the 80's commercial time was a lot less than what they are now you know. I mean a lot of these sponsors have to make their money but it is just down right awful that they cut and edit out scenes. I have never agreed about that but there is nothing we can do about that you know.

I wish that I had channel Five US so that I could watch The Fall Guy. The last time I saw it on the air was when FX had it in syndication back in 1996. It was great to watch and I loved the show!
