Totally misinterpreted
After reading countless bad reviews about not enough killing, etc etc, and wondering if anyone's ever bothered to buy the DVD from Troma to actually hear from Maggart and Lewis on what the film is actually suppossed to be about, I finally decided to maybe try and set the record straight.
Thanks to horrible advertising work, the film attracts legions of people expecting a Christmas slasher film, while according the actual makers of the film, it's more or less suppossed to be some kind of "art house" film. While it should be obvious he's already unhinged (and apparently never forgot it as he blames his brother for everything later in the film, and even his brother keeps saying Harry is a nutcase), throughout the film, when weird stuff starts happening, it's suppossed to be in Harry's mind, not literal. At some point he started taking down names of good & bad kids and came up with some weird plan about teaching people what Christmas is about, etc etc. Obviously, he's baseing this less on jolly Saint Nick, and more on the pictures strewn through his house portraying downright evil looking Santas, one of which showing Santa as a judge over people or something.
In a nutshell, he brings presents to all the good kids, bags of dirt to the bad kids, whacks off a couple adults who badmouthed Christmas (likely another way to make somebody get his point, christ now I'm confused). But as the film starts drawing to a conclusion, when bells start ringing while he's driving as if reindeer are pulling it, is, according to the director, all in his head as he's gone completly nuts at this point. He doesn't understand why people aren't accepting his way of Christmas, why they consider him "bad" aside from all the stuff he's done (his "tune" was his plan, when nobody bought it, they didn't "all dance to his tune"). The guy is out in left field, it's about a crazy guy going nuts on Christmas Eve, not about a seriel killer.
As for the much bashed ending, at the end, Harry drives his van off the bridge, and kills himself. Him flying off into the night is all in his head. And this is all according to Lewis Jackson the director. There actually is an explosion heard in the background, but due to terrible editing, it just sounds like the brother falling down the hill into all the trash cans or whatever (and hey, note that snow when he rolls down as it's clearly a sheet of white snow materiel...used by the dad to decorate the roof on "Edward Scissorhands").
I doubt it would make anyone like the movie any more or less, but maybe people would find it differant on a 2nd viewing knowing it's NOT a slasher film. In fact the movie would have worked better WITHOUT the two murder scenes. I actually think it throws off the entire movie (should have been more in self defense like the rioting villagers scene or something, lol).