Could this have possibly inspired 'May'?
Heavy spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen either of these films.
I just watched 'Christmas Evil' last night for the first time. I found this film and Lucky McKees 'May' to be alarmingly similar in terms of plot structure and character development. let me explain.
Both films are holiday themed. 'Christmas Evil' obviously being a Christmas setting and 'May' being set around Halloween. We start both films with the characters childhoods. This gives us a brief glimpse into what has caused their adult neurosis. We immediately move on to the present where we find our main characters in their homes, displaying just a little slice of what makes each of them off center. Harrys obsession with Santa Claus and May talking to her doll Susie.
Both stories press on as Harry is shown spying on young children and taking notes on their behavior. May spies on Adam taking note of his hands. Not just Adam but throughout the movie she is mentally taking notes on the particular parts of her victims that she finds to be good and bad. We observe our characters in the workplace; their alienation and how that further fuels the fire for their eventual breaking points.
We watch both these people descend into madness throughout the length of each film. Both find their climax in a killing spree that is made easier due to the nature of the holiday surrounding the film. Mays Halloween costume and Harrys Santa gear.
We end with both our characters completely downward spiraling, self destructing and we the viewer end the film from their fantastical, psychotic viewpoint. Harry didn't really fly away like Santa Claus and 'Amy' didn't really come to life after May stitched her together - that was simply the resolution in the mind of both our killers.
Has anyone else who has seen both of these films and noticed this?
"Living our maggot lives, dreaming of becoming flies."