MovieChat Forums > You Better Watch Out Discussion > This movie is unbearable to watch

This movie is unbearable to watch

I found this movie in my local $1.00 store it was a double feature dvd came with Christmas Evil and Carnivore (havent watched that yet but Im pretty sure its not the Carnivore movie you're all thinking about.) Anyways, so I picked up this movie for a buck a while ago because I had nothing to lose and to my surprise this movie was worse than I thought. It was so unbearable to watch that about 45 mins into it I just turned it off. Why are there even people here that went as far as to say "This is one of my favorite movies" it cant be that great, or my taste in movies is horrible, I'd take Santa's Slay over this movie any day of the week.


i didnt appreciate it untill my third viewing of the film, with john water's commentary.

"how about... a royal flush!" *loren avedon kicks a cauldron of boiling water into the bad guys*


Be glad you turned it off halfway through.

Any bottom-of-the-barrel value the film had was completely destroyed by the ending.


The reason I didn't like this film is: the premise of the film is setup within the very first 4-5 minutes of the film. Actually before the title comes on. Then the film drags on and on and on (50 minutes/24 seconds) till anything really happens. Talk about boring. I watch these value movies and realize that these types have "drive-in movie" written all over them but there ARE good drive-in movies. A lot better than this one for sure! Just because John Waters thinks this movie is great doesn't mean it is. He's got pretty varied (and strange) tastes.


sean, I should've heeded your warning but had to turn the movie back on to watch how it turned out. You are 100% correct on your take. This had to be the stupidest ending for a movie I've ever seen!


i find it intresting that a few of you all hate the movie so much yet, come back over and over just to post stuff about it.

long live moss garcia!



Any bottom-of-the-barrel value the film had was completely destroyed by the ending.

Whaaaaat? Ending was priceless! Given the overall tone of the movie (hint: it doesn't take itself very seriously), ending was just ballistic.

Just because John Waters thinks this movie is great doesn't mean it is.

Well, he's not the only one. A lot of people do think it's great. I wouldn't call it great, but it was lot of fun. It's perfect movie of that "demented spirit of Christmas" kind of a movie, which strangely there are more then few.

I don't know why it gets lumped in "slasher" category. Yes, it has a guy killing some people (and here it's hinted by the ending that he's in fact Santa or that because he believed so much in it, he actually became a Santa). But tone, style and overall theme has nothing in common with slasher movies, except that there's some guy killing some people. But hey, how many of horror movies can you think of that DON'T feature somebody killing someone?


what were you expecting from a dollar double feature? citizen kane and the godfather part 2???


This is one of my favorite movies, if you are too stupid to see how absolutely twisted it is then it's your loss.




What Squonkamatic said.


and how good it is. my gosh this is such an understated, fantastic, sublime, strange, well made film. It has such a bizarre, disturbing feel to it which is indescribable. I've never seen a film like it. It's so unique and so great in so many different ways. The story is unique and creative, the dark , twisted, and disturbing tone is very impressive, the acting by the main character is believable and great, and the overall feel of the film is effective. It gives you this disturbing, dark, twisted feeling inside. It's like when you watch something that is immoral and wrong which you know you shouldn't of watched. Watching it is a sobering experience. Also it's powerful and impactful.

the people on here are so stupid giving this film a 5/10 rating. This is a classic horror film by every measure. the first time I saw it I was disturbed by the scene where the guy gets a sharp object inserted into his eye by the main character. and I also was disturbed by the dark, sick, depraved feel of the scenes showing the main character as a child and as an adult at his job and at home, in the scene where he sings a Christmas song in a very deranged way while looking in the mirror. And, it's true that I was bored by it the first time I watched it, but that does not mean it's a bad movie. A film can be great and also boring the first time you watch it. Some films just require a second viewing to be entertaining. they have to grow on you. The second time I watched Christmas Evil I was thoroughly entertained by it. Even the first time I watched it and was bored by it I recognized that it was a great film. The people on here who claim it's a boring movie need to watch it a second or third time to fully appreciate it.


The problem is that after the point that you turned off, the really funny parts started. And there were one or two slasher moments as well.

Most commenters will tell you that the ending is ridiculous and in my opinion they are right.

The movie would have been better if it was made as a spoof. The ending certainly would have fitted in if the movie had been marketed as a comedy!


I guess when I pick up an 80's horror or slasher flick I expect something different than most. I'm not looking for a quality movie, but rather something in the ridiculous realm of Toxic Avenger, so this movie was a sweet surprise. I thought Harry's descent into madness was well done and avoided the usual 2 second explanation of most slasher movies. It also had just enough classic 80's style half-assed shots to add comic relief. For example: the office Christmas party, the shot of the guy filling drinks to try to indicate the increase in alcohol consumption (I suppose), but it really just looks like he's flailing around and spilling alcohol all over the table. And at the end of the Christmas party it jumps back to a 5-10 second shot of the dancefloor, then for no apparent reason there's a quick 1-2 snip of a guy bumping into the record player and making it skip as sort of a segway into the next scene. It cracked me up.

Also, when Harry's brother tries to lift Harry's lifeless body into the van there is a point where Harry clearly helps by lifting with his own legs.

And the ending? Superb.

That naughty Moss Garcia wants a lifetime subscription to Penthouse!?


I rented this movie out at a video store for one dollar during the early '90's, and I swear it wasn't even worth the $1.00 I rented it out for. I mean the director took what sounded like a good premise--a slowly-going-psycho dude who thinks he's Santa Claus---and to me, really didn't take it too much of anywhere. It didn't help that the VHS tape I watched it on was dark as hell,either. Frankly, the movie sucked big time, and the ending was too out-of-left-field/ridiculous as hell and a big-time cop out form the whole preceding story. I would actually welcome a remake of this, because it would definitely be an improvement over YBWO---honestly,the 3 titles was the only good thing about this piece of garbage---granted, the VHS transfer wasnt in the best condition,either. It's not hard to see why the director only made one more film after this one--he had no talent,that's why!

2 actual good Christmas horror flicks: the 1972 T.V. thriller HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS, and BLACK CHRISTMAS, a true classic (and actually scary,too.) I've never seen any of the SILENT NIGHT,DEADLY NIGHT films, or TO ALL A GOODNIGHT though. I have to admit though, since I've read other posts analyzing this flick, I might check it again, since good Christmas horror films are still few & far between---it may or may not be better the second time around.


I think professional wrestling is unbearable to watch, hhh.


People give this movie crap because of it's nature, but it's a good movie.

Watch more than 45 minutes of the movie before you *beep* all over it.


It's not exactly what I was expecting when I turned it on but I loved it.

I'll think of you if I don't forget.


It's not a great movie, but it certainly has its moments. It's interesting that this film features some actors who are now fairly familiar: Jeffrey De Munn, Peter Friedman and Mark Margolis.

I don't understand why the OP wanted to talk about not watching a film, but for the rest of us who saw this through, we were rewarded (sort of).


The OP is right, this movie blows. It's poorly made and unbearable.


This movie is unbearable to watch. I second that.

