MovieChat Forums > Xanadu (1980) Discussion > Xanadu in HD on HBO

Xanadu in HD on HBO

I just saw Xanadu in HD on one of the pay channels (HBO), and I was suprised. It actually looked pretty good. I guess I can hold out hope for a Blu-Ray release in the (very)distant future. Everyone is entitled to at least one guilty pleasure, and this is mine. I still love the soundtrack.

Just my opinion.


Still love the movie, and have no problem sitting through it numerous times.

I thought the soundtrack was amazing. In fact, the last CD I actually bought was the soundtrack when I picked it up a few years ago.


Depends on if the studio sees any ROI on the release. The cost of authoring a blue ray does cost some coin...


I agree, Xanadu in HD looked great. Those 70s styles came to life and for the first time I actually thought they didn;t look half bad.


Yes, but the audio is less than fantastic, no?

"Only a fool would say that." --STEELY DAN
