Dance couple

Personally I found most of the choreography to be rather tasteless and tacky, and the dancers uninspired, but one couple seem to overcome all of this and I am wondering if they did some their own choreography work and were in fact a professional team. They are featured in the "Xanadu" number at 1:24:58...he with a mustache, she with a prominent....nose and great legs (which we see to great advantage). They also appear as a (tackier) team at 44:37. I was able to pick them out in a couple of other places where the focus was on just a couple of dancers and it appears they were considered the best being used in the filming. Does anybody know who they are ?

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


Can you describe what they were wearing? Which dance number it was? Was it the couple dressed in black performing on a tiny circle stand?


Can't remember the guy all that well, the lady was wearing a black dress.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


You're right, they do appear twice. They are the couple in the 40's scene, she's wearing a striped top, and they do the quick drop almost to the floor. He's in the zoot suit, of course. The second appearance is in the Xanadu finale, they are the couple on the single circle, where she's in a black dress and he's "swirling" her around him, until the big pose at the end. Olivia is singing first in front of them, and then to the right of the screen. Unfortunately, no-one is credited beyond "Xanadu dancer", and since there are over 50 of them, there's no way of telling. Even Cynthia Rhodes isn't credited. However, they are the same couple. Sorry I couldn't help more.


Yes, that is the couple. Perhaps in the world of professional dancers there are people who would know them.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


Where was Cynthia Rhodes? I don't remember seeing her.


She appears in the finale...when the dancers stiff-walk up onto the stage. She's one of the first ones and goes far right, in a black jumpsuit with no sleeves and a silver belt. She's also in the final group dancing and exchanging partners (behind the tightrope teeth girl) and ends at the middle right when they stop dancing. Here's a picture.




She appears in the finale...when the dancers stiff-walk up onto the stage. She's one of the first ones and goes far right, in a black jumpsuit with no sleeves and a silver belt. She's also in the final group dancing and exchanging partners (behind the tightrope teeth girl) and ends at the middle right when they stop dancing. I tried to post a screen shot but it won't let me.


Well I'll be danged. I would never have recognized her, I kmow the guy dancer wearing the beige sweater directly behind Olivia. I'll have to see if he has any dirt on her.


That would be cool, but I don't think there is any dirt on our Cynthia! : ) Let us know!


Well he had nothing. He said she was a very nice person. How boring.

