You know, when Olivia Newton-John does her medley in the opening night and at one point she rocks out in that tiger stripe -mini, she sings something like "where ever you go you're loser..." or sumthing. Where is this song available? I believe that it was not on the soundtrack.
Btw. It is quite funny, as the whole movie is about making your dreams come true, and Kira has just 'mused' failed artist Sonny to open a club and then she sings "where ever you go you're loser" onto his toothy face. (But maybe it was just her devilish TWIN sister, which would also explain the skimpy skirt, trampish make up and ass wiggling coreography)
I just discovered this question and since it's a year old, you may never see The song Fool Country is on the 2 disc ONJ Gold cd. Here is a link to it on Amazon but I got it a couple of weeks ago at Walmart.
You've opened up an interesting subject. I'm probably going to get cannibalized for this (eaten alive by rabid Xanadu fans) ha ha...let me preface by saying I too am a fan and have defended this silly film vehemently over the years.
But only as an adult have I started to question certain things, and maybe someone out there can help...yes, the "Fool Country" starts out with what sounds like the theme to Disney's "Electric Light Parade" and ONJ and her posse are dressed and dance a certain way. Is this dance/music an hommage to something? Does it have any meaning within the context of the story at all? The rock there any hommage there too? Like is she doing a "Tina Turner" thing? I was aware enough when this came out to know there weren't any performers doing music like that at the time...the country section could almost be seen as an hommage to ONJ's country past. I love it all for the randomness but...did it have a meaning that's been lost in time/through editing/script re-writes? Or was it just random "ONJ as different sexy women"?
Again, I know it's pointless to try to analyze this film, half the fun of it is it doesn't make any sense at all (ONJ on the TV, the whole ending sequence, ONJ having magic powers but not able to see that disco was about to die a horrible death and a roller-disco palace would be the worst venture conceivable, ha ha). But most films are/were very expensive and a lot of thought went into them (even "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band" stands up to analysis, trashed as it is by most), and I was just wondering about some of these things.
Just some thoughts.
Oh, and how come they never introduce us to the black woman who works at Sonny's paint studio? You wouldn't even know she was there unless you were looking for her when Sonny "fires" himself
Nilbog! It's goblin spelled backwards! This is their kingdom!
I think the were just using every genre of music to show ONJ's versatility, and it kept with the theme of the eclectic image the club was going for. The Josie and the Pussycats look was probably the best they could come up withg to turn the muses into rock chicks.
As for the woman in the art studio, you can hear her saying "You'll be lucky if you pay off the movers" when they're having that pointless conversation about buying a house. (I assume that was to establish them all as starving artists.) They didn't define the blond gal Katie very well either. All she gets to say is "We were really pulling for you", and then "Five minutes!" looking like she has to pee.
I could be wrong, but I thought someone posted here a while back that there was a scene with the other co-workers (besides Richie) showing up at the opening, but it was cut.
"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns
You sound like a true Fan-adu who knows the movie, works for me, thanks! It always cracked me up that the woman says"Five minutes!" like she's going to die, and it feels like it's been about 30 seconds, ha ha...
Nilbog! It's goblin spelled backwards! This is their kingdom!