Gene Kelly
What a treat to see Gene Kelly dance and even sing a little.
I just saw Xanadu for the first time and love it. The music, dancing, costumes. The whole theme about dreams.
Not ashamed to love Xanadu.
What a treat to see Gene Kelly dance and even sing a little.
I just saw Xanadu for the first time and love it. The music, dancing, costumes. The whole theme about dreams.
Not ashamed to love Xanadu.
I have to admit, even though it is a stinker, it does have a kind of cultish appeal to it.
It really should have been a better movie, but I have to admit, I don't mind seeing it every now and then.
I just wish I could do a reshoot the damn thing.
Don't forget Gene Kelly on roller skates!
Xanadu is a bad movie. I'm not even going to lie. But it's still a very fun experience. I love Xanadu!
I can't play the critic while it's so appealing. I loved it.
And it wasn't just Gene Kelly on skates, it was Gene Kelly on skates surrounded by a team of juggling mimes.