MovieChat Forums > Xanadu (1980) Discussion > Wow, what a crapfest.

Wow, what a crapfest.

I just read the review on the front page that they started shooting the picture without a script, only a treatment. Well, that explains a helluva lot. Like how anyone could read the script and still agree to be in this piece of sh!t.

This movie is not just awful, but godawful. The music was okay, sometimes even good, but everything else, from the sets, to the costumes, to the hairstyles, to the, ahem, "special" effects, and let's not overlook the inane plot and dialogue,
screams out "THIS SUCKS!"

I would like to thank whoever posted that review, though. Now at least I can understand how a movie of this caliber could ever get made.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


It could have been a better film. Hell, I could have shot a better flick than this. But you have to understand that it was never meant to be a big feature film in the first place.

It's a cheap film shot cheaply, and poor Gene Kelly got duped into being in this thing. Even he himself said that the people who shot this thing didn't know how to shoot a musical.

But you have to ask yourself, why did you watch it in the first place? I think most people would have loved this movie if some care had just been put into it.


I watched it because I was 1) bored, 2) up late, 3) had missed it when I was 15 years old 33 years ago, and was hopelessly in love with ONJ, and 4) was curious about what I had missed. I was not watching it to "watch" it - I fast forwarded through 3/4 of it (it was On Demand through my cable on my DVR). I just wanted to check it out briefly, and I was not disappointed in how bad it was.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


I too thought except for a couple of songs(that are better heard than watched) , this movie was horrible in every aspect.
I didn't watch the entire movie, just fell asleep during many parts. I too was bored. Up veeery late one night and it showed up in the early hours of the morning. I too missed this when I was a kid because I heard how horrible it was. I ended up watching this 4 or 5 years ago and yep, it was as horrible as it was hyped to be.


> It's a cheap film shot cheaply..

Come on, BG, stop pulling flames out of your nether regions.

The original budget was 3 or 4 mil, which says here was alot in 1980 dollahs.

When the dust settled X production had spent FOUR times as much as originally planned.

# ONJ Solidarity R Us

Dr Horribles Singalong Blog (last words): Don't worry Billy. Captain Hammer will save us.


I've never seen it though I've heard some of the music obviously. There was a lot of money in dance music in the late 70's. Many media Co's were wondering how to take advantage. This looks like it was a product of that (quick buck mentality).

The disco era ended shortly after this was released. I doubt there was cause/effect but IDK? I'll try and get a disc and report back.

Kisskiss, Bangbang


I've never seen it though I've heard some of the music obviously. There was a lot of money in dance music in the late 70's. Many media Co's were wondering how to take advantage. This looks like it was a product of that (quick buck mentality).

The disco era ended shortly after this was released. I doubt there was cause/effect but IDK? I'll try and get a disc and report back.

Kisskiss, Bangbang

thbryn -

[Curious about your handle. Wild guessing, is it a welsh thing??]

Coming to X for the music is perfect. The kinda cheesy special effects, shrug, seemed like a swing (and a miss) aiming for mystical feeling. Thirty-odd years ago affordable post production was haard, ya know?

DVD is a good choice, esp for making-of bonus extras, but at home the HD format is much nicer. By crazy random happenstance comcast cable's OnDemand is showing the feature in HD over the Plex Channel (free?) thru Sept 30th. Happens S30 falls a few days after me and the lady's shared 65th birthday.. Go Medicare!

Also, sorry, to a fellow music fan just gotta pitch the 45 minute 2008 internet sensation "Dr Horrible's Singalong Blog", yet another wonder from Joss Whedon, featuring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Felicia Day. A live action super-hero themed Musical, shot for just 250,000 bucks during the doomed-to-fail writers' strike. Gifts a second dozen bonus songs as DVD extras. Got my first DrH Disc from the public library.

#Loved Downey's KKBB also.

Dr Horrible's Singalong Blog (last words): Don't worry Billy. Captain Hammer will save us.


by CJay » Mon May 6 2013 19:09:22 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since August 2000
Post Edited: Mon May 6 2013 19:11:58
> It's a cheap film shot cheaply..

Come on, BG, stop pulling flames out of your nether regions.

The original budget was 3 or 4 mil, which says here was alot in 1980 dollahs.

When the dust settled X production had spent FOUR times as much as originally planned.

# ONJ Solidarity R Us

Dr Horribles Singalong Blog (last words): Don't worry Billy. Captain Hammer will save us.

My professional opinion is that this was a test market film to see if the female lead could carry a film with an American audience without another major star (Gene Kelly not withstanding, but he was on the golf side of his career at that point).

It was not a very skillfully made "musical" as far as musicals go. The opening animated sequence with the muses was threadbare, fortelling the rest of the film. You'll notice that there's only a couple of big dance numbers, one of them being the final climactic sequence which included all the trends at the time; roller disco, martial arts, the Urban Cowboy thing, and so forth.

Compare it to a Gene Kelly film, "Hello Dolly" where lots of money was spent on lots of extravagant sequences.

If I had shot Xanadu, I would have demanded money to shoot several sequences in Greece, maybe put the muses opening dance at the Parthenon, and show them inspiring people and artists all around the world (a tie in with the ELO song).

I would not have used the Sonny Malone opens a roller disco with an aging Big Bander, but something with a little less trend and a little more global impact in terms of artistic themes.

I probably would not have cast Michael Beck, but someone who knows how to sing and dance (a rarity back then and today).

And, I would have shot it differently, and possibly not used the smash cuts to transition sequences.

The flashback scene with Gene and Olivia was another bare bones low-money, shoot it on a budget, sequence. I would have gone the extra mile and just done up an old fashioned big band era club, and filled it with costumed extras, and maybe hire a youthful look-a-like to play the young Gene Kelly character dancing with miss Olivia Newton-John. And THEN at the end of the film, hooked Gene's character up with an aged version of her so he isn't left out in the cold.

I could go on and on here, but this film really was a low budget test market film, and it failed by leaps and bounds. Where all the money went that they spent I can only guess at ... lights? Newton-John's salary? Gene's salary? Props? I don't know.

But, in spite of all the criticisms I've levelled at it, it still has a charm. Unfortunately that charm doesn't translate into a larger better picture with larger appeal.

In short it could have been a really good film. And by that I mean a really excellent movie that MIGHT have revived interests in musicals in spite of what people were feeling back then.

Just my two bits.


Film to test the marketability of the female lead? Have you never heard of "Grease"?


But she didn't carry that movie by herself. In Xanadu she was supposed to, even though the Sonny Malone character was the main emphasis. John was there to see if she could bring in more people.

She could, but the film was crap.


It's a cheap film shot cheaply, and poor Gene Kelly got duped into being in this thing. Even he himself said that the people who shot this thing didn't know how to shoot a musical.

And that is why Gene Kelly's brand did not take a hit after all of the bad press. He admitted it was a bad film, plus he was enough of a legend to continue working for a few more years.



Xanadu was his last film.


He did a couple more projects after that.


Xanadu was his last film.


It's a cheap film shot cheaply, and poor Gene Kelly got duped into being in this thing. Even he himself said that the people who shot this thing didn't know how to shoot a musical.
According to the IMDB information on the XANADU home page, the films budget was $20mill. That equates to around $57mill 2015, inflation adjustment. If that data is correct, I wouldn't call that cheap. Pity that they didn't get Kelly to direct this mess, as he could have given the film more pizazz. The song and music scoring, is fantastic....well so say I. Pity the films presentation and poor casting let it down.


Twenty million? If that's correct, then it's just that much more of a travesty. Kelly didn't like the movie, kept voicing his opinion about the ineptness of the director and other creative forces putting the film together, and when you look at the finished product, you wonder why Kelly wasn't asked to direct it.

The backers were trying to cash in on Olivia Newton John's rising star, but they themselves didn't seem to have looked at the resumes of the people they hired to make this thing.

I like the songs from the various groups. The score was so so.

This film just lacked vision.

If I had shot it, I would have started off by filming that opening scene in the Greek Isles. I would have had Kelly get his old friend Fred Astaire, let them formulate the choreography, dump the dumb-@$$ "glam rock" BS, and probably hire a different screen writer. And have the new writer come with me to look at classic musicals to get a good story down.

As it stands now they just hired the people that technically, not artistically, who could get the film done, but not done right.


As it stands now they just hired the people that technically, not artistically, who could get the film done, but not done right.
It didn't appear like they were that concerned with substance, only a style and craze, that they thought they could likely fob of onto the younger audience and make a quick mint out of them. They did at least, make an attempt to lure older audiences, with Kelly's presence. The lack of integrity afforded this production and the subsequent flop it became, was in a sense deserved. Ironic, that the films promotion was about the film being magic, yet it comes over as lackluster in this department. Now 'Grease', had magic.

With musicals, I tend to lump the songs and score into the same basket, as one is not usually exclusive from the other, to make the music work. I would have ran my sisters LP threadbare, listening to this album as a kid. It actually works better for me on it's own, without the film to compliment it. That is, if it did at all.


The Apartment was filmed without a script, and that's a pretty well-regarded movie.

I enjoyed Xanadu. I thought the dancing was great, and I really liked the music. It took risks. Maybe those risks didn't pan out, but at least it was entertaining. Best film I've seen in months.


Its A Fun Film. Its A Guilty Pleasure.


totally agree. I think this is one of the worst if not THE worst movie ever made. Everything about it sucked. And I hate to say that, because we all have different opinions. I just cannot for the life of me understand how people enjoyed this colossal crapfest or call it their "guilty pleasure". Anybody who likes this SHOULD feel guilty for having terrible taste in movies. I made it through the whole thing but I kept scratching my head and wondering "what are they doing and what the hell am I watching"??? I guess you had to be on acid



Calling me a name on the internet proves who the idiot is here.

And who said I took this movie seriously? It just sucks, is all.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Obviously it wasn't a good plot and acting was weak. The only question is if some aspects of it's mediocre --at best-- score and visuals allow it stay out of the disaster mode (I don't know if it bombed upon release but I assume it did).

About the best you can say about it is in a curious kind of way it was passable mindless entertainment.


I just take this as a bunch of music videos crammed together, plus a throwaway story to stitch the dance numbers together. Goofy and even surreal in parts. Way too many things to pick apart. But you know what? I don't mind.

I like the songs "Magic," "All Over the World" and "Xanadu". I like watching Olivia dancing. That's enough to hold my interest in this, even with all the other weirdness going on there. That's enough to help me overlook the quasi-S&M-looking dancers and outfits, and the Austin Powers/60s/Willy Wonka-ish oddball characters popping their heads out of shelves in the store.

A couple of the songs put me to sleep but that just gives me time to take a break. The movie isn't that long anyway. No need to pay attention closely to it, until Olivia is singing and dancing again.

I do kind of wonder what was going on in Gene Kelly's head though. That was some strange stuff.


It's not a masterpiece of any sort, just a fun film. I love the costumes, the exceptional dancing, the great songs, and the animated sequence that calls to mind several wonderful animated animated films. Olivia Newton-John is fantastic. This is an enjoyable movie musical.

"My Little Throny! I used to wonder what bloodshed could be..."


Don't watch Twist Of Fate with ONJ, you'll think this film is GOLD.


Oh, boy, don't think I've even heard of that one...wonder why.



Actually it's called Two Of A Kind.

There is a song Twist Of Fate in it.


Oh, look at that--Sandy and Danny back together! Looks quite cheesy, but possibly enjoyable just for the 80s-ness of it...


her music is always nice


That's very true, at least!


it's fun for what it is. I mean in the worst way possible. Seems like Anchorman stole some of their animation sequences from this flick.


$13 million USD? I know this was used to launder cocaine money coming into Hollywood. The only explanation that makes sense.
