MovieChat Forums > Xanadu (1980) Discussion > What Sonny says at end -- credits / audi...

What Sonny says at end -- credits / audio off

Xanadu (on

I was able to read Sonny's lips as the end credits begin

It’s as if they were told by director -- "once the lights go down - just pretend to chat about something until we call cut , etc"

At end, the 1:33 mark -

Sonny (to Kira / waitress): "I mean, I'd just like to talk to you."

(lights go down -- end music pounds, credits start to roll up over their profiles)

I notice the first thing Michael Beck ad libs to Olivia is: "You're next. I'm not gonna fool anybody."

She smiles, says something, they laugh at the silly (just do it) direction.

The end titles roll over their lips - and the rest of their chit chat in sillouette remains a mystery.


LOL! Thanks for posting this!

"FRA-GEE-LAY. That must be Italian!"
"I think that says 'fragile', honey."


Thats a creepy revelation!!!


Well now you said it that way. I guess thats okay then.



Your tag line "fragile" sounds SO familiars! What is it from?

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!


It's from "A Christmas Story", after Ralphie's father wins "the major award" AKA leg lamp! ?


That's awesome pantheonzeus - good eye on that for what you saw . For me I always imagined what would they have said ? -- ( Michael ) " I hope this scene comes out good ? " ( Olivia ) " Me too " . ( but of course I didn't know - that's just my opinion ? ) It would have been great if someone had asked that question to them on an interview ? Thanks so much for this very insightful subject post .


What does it mean, though? You're next? Your line is next?

You go ahead, let your hair down


It means that it was Olivia's turn to pretend to say something.


I always thought it was "is that a mirror in your pocket?..cause I see myself in your PANTS!"

...que *laugh*

Strangers: 5/10
Twilight: 3/10
Hostel 2: 7/10
Spit On Your Grave:4/10


LOL... very funny. :-)

Attn All Units!


Actually they said the following:

Michael Beck - "Boy im glad this piece of *beep* movie has come to an end, my acting career has just been completely destroyed"

ONJ - "yes absolutely"
