What Sonny says at end -- credits / audio off
Xanadu (on hulu.com)
I was able to read Sonny's lips as the end credits begin
It’s as if they were told by director -- "once the lights go down - just pretend to chat about something until we call cut , etc"
At end, the 1:33 mark -
Sonny (to Kira / waitress): "I mean, I'd just like to talk to you."
(lights go down -- end music pounds, credits start to roll up over their profiles)
I notice the first thing Michael Beck ad libs to Olivia is: "You're next. I'm not gonna fool anybody."
She smiles, says something, they laugh at the silly (just do it) direction.
The end titles roll over their lips - and the rest of their chit chat in sillouette remains a mystery.