Creatures lifted from Star Trek
Episode: Operation -- Annihilate!
Episode: Operation -- Annihilate!
The Without Warning creatures have teeth, tentacles and a glow in the dark ring around their edge, though.
"The sport is in the trackin' an' the huntin'..."
The Without Warning creatures have teeth, tentacles and a glow in the dark ring around their edge, though.
Both the alien and his frisbee jellyfish creatures were lifted from star Trek.
The alien looks very similar to the alien in the Corbomite Maneuver episode.
The Frisbee suckers were from Operation Annihilate.
I made the comparison 5 years ago here:
I always wondered if both weren't inspired by It Conquered the World! though those flying critters are a bit bat-like.
(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC