What a waste

God, this just seems like such a missed opportunity for Gordon Willis. I've tried to watch this several times and it's quite awful. I always have trouble getting past the 20 minute mark. How sad is it that perhaps the greatest cinematographer in film history's one attempt at direction was with this homophobic cliche'd schlocky excuse for a script? Willis could have at least done some boring genre picture, action film, screwball comedy, anything... but this? What a waste.

On a less important note, the film isn't even available in the proper 2.35:1 aspect ratio. The recently released MGM transfer is a stretched-out, mediocre 1.85:1 widescreen image. Still better than nothing. Seeing as Willis' cinematography is the main reason to see this thing, it's unfortunate. And he always worked best in 2.35 'scope.


1.85:1 is the correct aspect ratio for this one; it just has a mistaken "filmed in Panavision" credit on the poster. (If you compare the DVD to that pan-&-scan version on YouTube, you can see that it's really open matte 1.85:1.)

Definitely with you on the description of the movie itself, ha ha.


Whatever the aspect ratio the film is a waste; it's flat, tedious, pointless, ugly in conception and execution with drab interiors and exteriors, dull dialog and acting; it has all the conviction of a porn film with no sense of real life happening. Godawful!
