'She said she loved me.' 'In her own way, she probably did.'
Thanks a lot for that, Barry Siegel. This POS is probably why you never wrote another screenplay or even worked in Hollywood again. Especially after writing dialogue like that!
At least Gordon Willis continued to get work as a cinematographer. He never directed another movie again. And he recently passed away. RIP him.
And poor Talia Shire and Elizabeth Ashley, they were under contract and did the best with what pitiful little material they had to work with. And as the Movie Explorer said in his review of this "Ashley did this film because of the urging of her agent who was reportedly tired of her turning down roles. I really hope she canned his ass after that!"
That was funny. This movie was s h i t. It was extremely offensive and resorted to showcasing hateful stereotypes of lesbians. Much like 1936's Dracula's Daughter and 1967's The Fox before it, Windows portrayed lesbians as disturbed and predatory. And that just ain't cool.
However the most unintentionally hilarious moment involved the "cat-sicle" falling out of the freezer onto the floor. That scene was supposed to be shocking, and instead brought forth howls of laughter from audiences. Oops!
At least Willis admitted he had screwed up and said that the film was a mistake. Amen to that....