MovieChat Forums > The Watcher in the Woods (1981) Discussion > What building was used in the church sce...

What building was used in the church scenes?

Does anyone know where the scenes inside and outside the abandoned church building were shot? On a completely unrelated search I've come across photos of an abandoned church that looks really similar to the one in the movie, espeically the windows. It also mentions it has been used as the set for some horror films, but doesn't list them. I can't find any information about the specific locations used for Watcher, so I'd be interested to see if it is the same one.


When it's not a set, the church used is on the grounds of what is now Ettington Park Hotel, set in 40 acres of Warwickshire countryside. Their web site:
(Ettington Park has been in the Shirley family since before the Norman Conquest. Its imposing facade and arched windows still look out onto the 12th century church built on the same site as the Saxon church mentioned along with their ancestors in the Doomsday Book.) It's a beautiful place to stay, I was just there.

The exterior of Ettington Park was also used in the old black & white version of the movie "The Haunting."
