MovieChat Forums > The Watcher in the Woods (1981) Discussion > I'm REALLY confused...which movie IS thi...

I'm REALLY confused...which movie IS this? (Spoilers??)

I *THINK* I remember this movie, but there weren't any ALIENS in it.

In the movie I remember, there was a girl who had disappeared and I *think* Bette Davis was the mom who had lost her. But in the end of the movie there was a seance (spelling?) and everyone had to hold hands or something because like 15 years ago the girl was lost during a seance...

So am I just going crazy or is this another movie I'm thinking of, or are the aliens JUST in the alternate ending? It seems stupid to me that there would be THAT much difference in the endings, because the seance seemed pretty important to the plot. I dunno...

Am I thinking of the right movie?

*~~~*the points don't matter*~~~*


This is that movie. DISNEY originally released it in theaters with "the alien ending" and the audience thought it was hilariously bad so they cheanged it.
If you buy from they sell dvds with the alternate endings.



Thanks...that was what I was thinking...

...I just had to ask because I thought it was so ridiculous that they'd change the movie that dramatically. I really thought the seance had a lot to do with the whole plot. Hmmm...guess not. Oh well, it has been about 10-15 years since I saw it.

But thanks for clearing that up, just so I know I wasn't going completely crazy!

*~~~*the points don't matter*~~~*


I think you were right about the seance being important as it was the holding hands in the circle that released th alien to go home. I have only ever seen the original version - but I know when it came out on DVD they had alternate endings on the US version - I don't know if they're on the region 2 version as I ha a copy on video from years ago. I had read before and it's also mentioned under another thread called Alternate Endings that when Disney released it at the tester/trial stage that the audiences laughed so hysterically at the alien ending that they decided to change it - glad they did because who remembers the aliens in the Colby's.


so the alien ending was never shown to the general public?

i think i only remember the seance ending and i saw this for the first time on t.v. when i was 11. whoa crazy stuff.

"Up yours with a twirlin' lawnmower" - Nightmare on Elm Street
