Where can I find this?

Is this film easy to find on VHS or DVD? Like if I just walked into a local movie store to buy it is it likely to be there? I remember watching this movie as a young child and being terrified from it, but I loved it. I watched some of it on T.V. probably a few years ago now, but would love to be able to watch it all the way through and see if it still has some of the same effect on me as it did when I was a young child which I doubt it would since I am a huge horror movie buff now. It's hard to believe that this was a Disney film. It's kinda sad this film wasn't a big hit but I loved it reguardless! But if someone could just let me know about finding it preferably on DVD, it would be very much appreciated. Also, if anyone knows of any other cult-type horror films like this could you please list them as well? Thanks in advance!


I walked into Blockbuster not too long ago and was surprised to see a copy for sale there. I don't think you'd have a problem at Blockbuster, ordering it from Borders, or searching online.

There are no happy endings because nothing ends.


I've got an VHS copy I'd be willing to sell you cheaply- I bought it on DVD and won't really be needing the vhs copy../.
Nobody notices the sober Indians. On tv the drunk Indians emote In books drunk Indians philosophize
