I did not find it that good or that scary.(spoilers)
I wasn't expecting much of this movie. I think I saw it as a kid and back then probably it scared me. I can understand how sometimes you watch a film of your childhood and you still like it, maybe because it brings you memories or because you have a special feeling for it. I saw this one a few days ago, and I never thought it was gonna be like that. All those posters saying "this is the scariest movie ever" or "It scared the *beep* out of me" or something like that. I'm sorry but I don't see that. It had some suspense, but it wasn't challenging enough. I found it quite predictable and very Disneyy. If you want to see a good horror film watch The shining, Psycho,the exorcist The thing, etc. It had its moments of suspense, like when the character of Bette Davis saves the girl from the water.But apart from that typical gimmicks you see in this sort of genre, possesed girl that spells backwards, mirrors that break from the sound of the wind, the weather that stops you from leaving the haunted house. And the ending doesn't really have an answer. We know Karen was taken back from there, but we never know what or who the watcher is, how does it work. We're never told what the rite of initiation was or why they did it for. I would have loved to know how the reverend and the other two children came in contact with the watcher first or what he or them wanted from each other. We only see that they hold each other arms in a circle and then ta-da, magic. I'm not a troll and I don't want to ditch this movie, I just found it not good enough and it surprised me the huge following it has on this website.