alternate ending

I've seen "the watcher in the woods" about 50,000 times since I was 3-4 years old..I love this movie..and it still scares the pants off of me. I noticed that they had the dvd of it when I was renting movies the other day. not only were there original trailors BUT there was an alternate ending...I was so excited to see this....I watched it and it turns out in the other ending they actually show the watcher! and its an alien like was hilarious....did anyone else see this?


Yep, on the DVD you get snippets of the alternate endings, but nothing on the original movie & re-shoot. I liked the original ending with the alien & frozen in time & space cock & bull, but don't count on seeing the original version going on to a TV screen anytime soon. Just the fact that the ending was shot on 3 different times because test audiences laughed at should explain why there.


What did the Watcher look like?


Kind of a blue skinned owl-like creature is how I'd best describe it.


Wasn't it on the presidential debates?


There were so many great sequences in this film and great effects and the ending where they show the actual creature/Watcher just didn't work and was really awkward. It looked to much like a marionette by the way it moved. The way the dimension looked was hokey and really none of this fit with the rest of the film. Smartly the makers and studio decided to change it rather than being so determined that this MUST be in the movie. There are so many examples where they leave in something that clearly doesn't work(Example: The even more non-sensical adding in of the JABBA THE HUT scene to STAR WARS Episode IV: A NEW HOPE; clearly does not work, does not look good, nothing and even more dumb to put in and leave in when obviously this story did not need this as proof from 22 years of fans not needing this scene!!!!!!)As with "Poltergeist" a few years later, our imaginations of where and how this place looks is much better than any effect could give, so don't show it!!!


Amen V-Dub.

When I saw this "alternate ending", I thought that I was watching a completely-different movie altogether (What? It's not a scary movie unless they put a "scary" creature in it?)

The way that they ended it (non-alternate) is BY FAR superior, and I really wished that I never knew that this retarded "alternate ending" ever existed.


A huge metallic-blue wraith creature. Crystal yellow eyes, tattered wings, etc.


Not to mention, the alt ending Karen looked like a guy in drag.

The alt endings almost (almost) ruined the film for me.
They are so stupid, I wish I hadn't seen them.


The Karen in the ending we've been watching all these years is NOT the Karen that was blindfolded throughout the movie. That's why her hair did not match. But since the ending had to be refilmed, the original Karen was not available and they used another girl!!! We've seen her for so many years blindfolded, she doesn't look the same without the blindfold. It's definitely NOT a guy in drag! Speaking of the refilming, Bette Davis refused to film anything more than "you're home" in the chapel doorway for the new ending - the shot of her walking up to Karen and hugging her is a stand-in. She told them the director had already finished the film!!! Good for her!

As for the original ending - it is definitely the longer alternate ending but minus the Other World sequence. That Other World footage is WHY TWITWoods failed at the premiere - it wasn't finished yet. Eye witnesses at the premiere will tell you that the audience was scared and very moved by the film AND The Watcher itself. John Hough thought it looked silly, but the audience didn't react that way. (He wasn't involved in the special effects of The Watcher and actually started the legend that the audience laughed at it with some remark he made to an interviewer.) Unfortunately though, without the Other World scene, the ending made no sense. This alien picks Jan up, then a few seconds later she steps out of a hole of light with Karen. She explains it a little to Ellie at the very end, but without the visuals people were pissed off. Especially when they heard that a scene was missing and still being worked on.

Di$ney rushed the film out for it's premiere to coincide with Bette Davis' 50th Anniversary in films. If they had just held out until all effects were finished.....we would have a much longer and better film today.

The original film ran 100 there is quite a bit more extended scenes here and there than just the missing original opening and ending. I purchased a copy of the script (i think it was from Script City) and found quite a lot of longer scenes. To verify they were actually filmed, the clip shown on Siskel & Ebert matches the script but does not appear in full in the film today.

The original opening was quite a chiller and perfect mood setter for the film: a little girl playing in the woods with her doll. The Watcher (camera point of view) coming up behind her. The girl turns and screams in the camera. She runs away leaving her doll. The doll is levitated and thrown against a tree. Then the blue lightning strikes it and it begins to burn. The opening credits roll over the melting face of the doll..........God, I wish I could see that!!! And it almost made it to the Anchor Bay DVD if it hadn't been for one person at Di$ney who butted in and said it made Di$ney look bad. Why should they care? The Di$ney name was removed from most bonus features and the DVD was released by Anchor Bay!

Anyway, everyone should really read the disgusting story behind the politics of this film and why we don't have the original film today. Here's the link:

Now with Blu-ray - a new format - maybe Di$ney will come to their senses and allow John Hough to reconstruct this film. Let's hope some new blood at Di$ney will make this a reality for us.


I thought the alternate ending was solid awesome.


I really liked the alternate ending, but the watcher/ alien was hokey. They could have put more effort in making it.


that's the original ending for anyone who wants to see it. imo, they were better off with the ending without the alien.


Hokey? You know not what you speak of. That alien is awesome. You can tell they put a lot of work into coming up with something original and imposingly strange. I haven't really seen anything else in a movie that looked quite like it.

It was just the right punch the movie needed after so much hinting, the perfect pay off. MUCH better than that shlocky ending we got in theaters, with the half-*ssed annoying little girl speaking in a deep voice while a lava lamp explodes next to her. Come on!

Back to the amazing creature SFX, they pulled it off brilliantly with the eerie floating. I imagine it as how some sort of Lovecraftian entity would look on a gliding approach.


I really like the alternate ending and the alien. It took the film to a more interesting place than simply "it was a ghost or something." And I like the design of the thing. Oh, sure some of the effects are meh. But, come on. It was 1980. Most films still looked like this. Not ever special effect looked like Star Wars.



The DVD I rented from NetFlix had two "alternate" endings. Both of them showed the Watcher, a kind of 9-foot marionette, a cross between Ridley Scott's Alien and a blue bat with ragged cloth wings. It was a gigantic miscalculation, but was clearly the intended original ending, as the music score goes all the way through and both "alternates" end with credits rolling. The revised, now standard ending was a rescue job. It works, but only barely. In all three cases the ending is a disappointment.

"The value of an idea has nothing to do with the honesty of the man expressing it."--Oscar Wilde
