I Cant believe this was a Disney film! It scared the living sh#te outa me when I was a kid!!! I Had nightmares for a week and it was shown on a sunday afternoon! I watched it again recently and I still found it quite disturbing.
As a child, my parents mostly protected me from films with violent/scary content.
For the last day of 4th grade, we were treated to a "movie day." We watched "Flight of the Navigator" [awesome!!!], "Legend" [kind scary with the Tim Curry demon scenes, but otherwise cool] and "Watcher in the Woods" [I almost soiled my shorts amidst tears of terror].
I know I was kind of sheltered, but seriously . . . I watched "Watcher in the Woods" tonight for the first time in over 20 years and it still was creepy as hell! In spite of the obviously 70's/80's acting and environment, the cinematography was almost Hitchcock-ian at points. And, though the plot was somewhat weak at points, Bette Davis always scared the $h1t out of me!! That's a scary woman!
I think the story was exceptional for its time, but the lack of complexity leaves it a far second from the advanced plot of young-adult horror today (R.L. Stine). While some younger children might be scared, the 'young adult' audience it sought in 1980 will likely chuckle at the cheap jabs.
This movie terrified me as a kid. I first saw it when I was in daycare. I was about five I think. I think all the daycare workers saw the Disney label and assumed it was suitable for young viewers. I don't remember much about this movie, all I remember from that horrible experience as a kid was: 1) the blonde girl in front of all the mirrors and instead of seeing her reflection she sees another girl reaching out. Still gives me chills thinking about it, but I think mirrors are creepy, probably because of this movie. 2) the younger girl having a strange voice. 3) something about a giant bell from a bell tower falling on a girl. 4) I vaguely recollect the family driving in a storm and there are weird lights...?
I'm sure if I saw it now, I wouldn't find it scary at all. I was dessensitized to scary movies at a very young age. I think I'd laugh at the cheesy 1970's special effects. But I don't think I could watch the mirror scene without being creeped out no matter what.
"People believe all sorts of things that aren't true-it's called history." The Wizard from "Wicked"
Omigod, this post had me howling. Don't know why it seems so funny to me now, but WTF is a daycare doing playing this movie for 5 year-old kids???
I wanted to join the masses here and say that this movie scared the living daylights out of me when I saw it, and every countless time that I have seen it since (I also became oddly fascinated by it), I still have trouble staying asleep.
The first time I saw it I was eight and it was at a sleepover party for my cousin. A bunch of young girls in sleeping bags, *beep* their pants! No one said a word the entire time it was on, and afterwards I don't think anyone slept.
But to think of the trauma of seeing this movie in daycare! That's horrible. I read this post and just couldn't stop laughing at the images in my mind.
I know! I was scared to death of this movie. The funny thing is that even though it scared the crap out of me, it was always the movie I wanted to watch. Then I would have nightmares and end up sleeping in my parents room. Man! I haven't seen this movie in years, I wonder if my parents still have it . . .
I've been having a childhood movie rennaisance the past couple of weeks, and just thought of this movie today. I think it scared me so bad as a kid that I never even finished watching it, I'm super-curious to see it again!
I've just turned 32 and I still can't bring myself to watch it again. Even the alternate ending that's on Youtube... got about 10 seconds in. I can watch peoples arms being blown off, decapitations, whatever, gore doesn't scare me.... but it just makes me cringe that I'm more scared of a Disney movie. Tis ridiculous.
Whenever I hear the song "Bette Davis Eyes", as much as I love it, still brings back those memories....
Yeah, same here. Recently made horror flicks are anything but scary or creepy in my opinion. Watcher in the woods still creeps me out pretty bad though. My friends used to give me crap about it, until I made them watch it. Something about the visuals, music, and idea of the "being" trapped by the eclipse is just bizarre to the point of being chilling. The scenes of the triangle shaped cracks in the mirror with the blind-folder girl are terrifying. I also remember how the camera would zoom in at ridiculous speeds, like the part when "nerak" was written on the barn window. That was spooky as crud.
Honestly, the only movies in recent memory that stand out as "supernatural-scary" are:
1. The Exorcist 2. Watcher in the Woods 3. The Shining
and I was pretty impressed with certain scenes in:
4. The Grudge 5. The Legend of Hell House 6. The Changeling 7. Stir of echoes
I remember a movie called "Something Wicked This way Comes". Produced by Disney... That movie had me sleeping with the lights on for a week when I was eight. I just recently watched that movie again, and although some of my childhood fears had come and gone, this movie still has an overall creepy feel to it...
Did you ever see Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (1973)? I saw it on TV as a child around 8 years after it came out when I was 10 and I was *wrecked* by it. I was terrified every time I went to bed for what seemed like ages. It even came back to terrify me later when I was 14 and staying with my grandmother in a big spooky house where her room was waaaay at the other end of the house. Her air conditioning ducts made these strange whispering/whooshing noises from time to time that I swear sounded just like the little creatures in the movie!
I saw this with friend when I was 4, and it scared the freaking !@#$ out of me! For about five years, every time I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I would keep the light off so I wouldn't catch my reflection in the mirror. I was terrified that instead of seeing myself I would see that blindfolded girl. My entire family made fun of me because it was Disney, and they still laugh at how I couldn't look in mirrors at night. Reading these boards has almost been like therapy...because I felt stupid for years. Haha!
I completely agree with you. This is much too scary to be a Disney film. The part with the mirrors was indeed creepy. And the images in the church and in the woods... freaky. I am also curious to see if my parents still have it in their house. I bet it would still be a scary movie to me.
Ah, this film brings back memories. I remember renting it at our local small town video store. My dad took me there on a Friday with my brother so we could have a movie night (I was about 6 or 7 years old), and I picked "The Watcher In The Woods" from the Disney section of the store (that consisted of all those retro-Disney clamshell cases). The video store also made U-bake pizzas, so we got one of those, and I went home and watched it with my brother, and it scared us half to death. I remember being terrified of it, and then about a year later I decided to rent it again, and that time I wasn't quite as scared, but still spooked nonetheless. After that it became a favorite of mine and I'd rent it often, until my parents finally bought the VHS for me on ebay. I still have the old clamshell video somewhere, but I luckily picked up the Anchor Bay DVD a few years back. This movie is a great little slice of nostalgia, and brings back a lot of memories.
i remember renting this for a sleep over with a friend when i was in about 5th grade. i had seen it once before and thought i was brave enough to watch again. we had ourselves so freaked out that at the part when ellie goes to the mirror and writes Narek (or something like that) we turned the tv off cause we couldn't stand it anymore! and i had seen it before!!!
i'm 29 now and i still think about that movie with shivers.
I first watched this movie when I was about 8 or 9 and it scared the crappers out of me. The video shop I got it from closed down soon afterwards and I searched for years for it with no avail. When I seen a copy on ebay I had to buy it and yes i have to admit it is still a fairly creepy movie. I am glad I am not the only person to think this.
Its funny, this movie creeped me out, but I also really liked it. I've seen it several times many years ago. I'm 20 now, and I remember my 5th grade class watching this in school. It was awesome watching everyone freak out because of the scary music and stuff like that. I'll never forget it.
I saw this movie around the time i was in the fourth grade. My friend and i watched it and totally freaked ourselves out. Then later we made my brother and his friend watch it. The movie scared the crap out of all of us. Later when we were in high school my friend and i watched it again because we couldn't believe a disney movie had scared us so much, but even then it was still freaky and messed up. My friend and i still watch scary movies together and none of them really scare her but if you bring up this movie she totally freaks out. Quite amazing considering its Disney!
this movie scared me as well and i came to IMDB to see if anyone else felt the same way. i recalled seeing the movie at a very young age and seeing it the second time when it was shown to my class in the 5th grade, i'm also 20. what a funny coincidence. you didn't go to 5th grade in Texas did you?