Sissy hitting the bag

I'm a Tomboy and even I wouldn't hit that bag or ride a bull.

We women can't do everything men can do.


Just because you wouldn't do it, doesn't mean women as a whole "can't" or "shouldn't." It all comes down to a matter of choice. To paraphrase one of the characters in the movie, the only thing woman "can't" do like a man is piss against a wall, and even with that, I personally have seen at least a couple of women pull that off, lol. Women are capable of pretty much anything men can do, even in matters of physical strength and stamina. Sure, not many men would admit to it if it did happen to them but I'm sure there are some 110 pound women out there who could easily lower a 200 pound man like a cheap carpet :)


Women are only capable of so much;we are not built like men and we generally aren't as strong. I realize my limitations because that's just the way it is.

Women need to act like women and men need to act like men.

A woman who pisses on a wall isn't very classy.

Marry me,Bob Gunton!


Who are we to say what activities or hobbies, etc. make someone a man or a woman? A man can be just as masculine even if he decides to take up interior design or gardening, and a woman is just as feminine even if she can kickbox with the best of them. Some men can't fight worth a crap and some women love a good bar brawl, lol. Who cares. I personally don't have to prove my femininity to anyone by what I do or how I dress. While I'll admit to my girlyness occasionally, someone (male or female) will have hell to pay if they try to tell me I can't do a certain thing just because of my gender. Even if I ultimately prove them right, I am going to try my damndest to prove them wrong, and that's where my personal integrity lies. Gender roles are passe in the twenty first century. Even in 1980, I think Sissy knew that gender roles weren't worth anything. Her biggest strength was her fiery independence. Even when Bud and Wes were hitting/disrespecting her, she refused to back down from either of them and wasn't afraid to tell them what she thought, even though in their opinion, she needed to shut her mouth and just cook, clean and fu*k them when they wanted it. Is that what you think being a woman is all about, prancing along behind some guy and letting him push you around? She didn't think that, and I say more power to her for that. She loved Bud and wanted to be with him, but she was going to be her own person and not just "the little woman." In the end, I think he realized that's what made her special. Pam agreed. When she needed to show Bud how she felt about him, she was just as willing to swallow her pride, clean up his place and admit that she missed and needed him, but she did it on her own terms.

And for the record, I totally want to learn how to pee standing up :) We are at such a disadvantage for on the go peeing as compared to guys and that is the disadvantage I will readily admit to.


Are you a feminist? That whole movement has been the downfall of womanhood and hasn't been very good to men,either.Women have become butch and men have become sissies.

Of course I don't think we should be subserviant to men but we should not try to outdo them or act like them.

A woman should stand up to a man who is abusing her but that is different from acting like a man instead of a lady.

I'm a Tomboy but I do act like a woman. I'm not out there trying to be a man. I am not equipped to do many of the jobs men can do. Do you see women installing new traffic signals at intersections? I haven't. They are extremely heavy and that is a man's job. So is repairing/replacing transformers when the power goes out. I have yet to see a woman working on a power pole like that. It is dangerous and is not a woman's job. There are things that are best left to men.

Would you piss up against a wall or use a urinal? I hope not.

Marry me,Bob Gunton!


Yeah, I wondered how long it would be before the feminist rant came out. No, I am not particularly into the feminist "movement." I simply don't believe that a woman shouldn't be able to climb onto a mechanical bull or hit a punching bag if she wants to. Seriously? It's not that big a deal. It isn't "ladylike?" Whatever. I personally have seen women doing construction and working on power poles. If you're going to go there, then why not take it all the way? Let's do away with all the male chefs and male nurses and childcare workers because nursing and taking care of children and kitchen work is women's work. I think you're trying to place ALL women into this confining little box just because that's where you're comfortable being. I guess you feel more at ease when there are clear lines between the genders and how they act and what they do. Men do this, women do that, that's the way it's been since the beginning of time and that's the way it should be. Again, I say, whatever. You're free to live how you want to live. And I'm free to say I don't need a man to bring home the bacon, and if he does, I'm not necessarily going to cook it. I won't tell you I don't like to feel protected and guarded as much as the next woman. If someone breaks in, I'd feel a lot better knowing there's a guy around to watch my back. But if I see him getting overpowered I'm going to jump right in and kick some serious a$$ of my own. Even if I don't win the fight, I'll at least cause some contusions and maybe a head lump that will require some bandages. I won't just sit back and scream like a little beeyotch. But that's just me.


I would be more apt to read your statements if you would use paragraphs.

Marry me,Bob Gunton!


That's the best you can come up with, huh? I'll just save the paragraphs for my professional writing. Here, on a non formal forum, I'm just trying to say what I'm going to say. And you had no problem reading it up until now, I assume you just have nothing else to say on the subject.


Sissy clearly worked with her hands in her parents' business. This plus her spunk may have led to her wanting to punch the bag and ride the bull.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne
