MovieChat Forums > Urban Cowboy (1980) Discussion > Why Does No One Mention.....

Why Does No One Mention.....

The fact that although Bud was overly jealous and a bit of a douche, Sissy wasn't all too innocent either. There were times when she was the one who started their arguments.

I really like this movie but they were both wrong in many areas of their marriage.


I agree with you. Yes, Bud was a real ass for hitting Sissy - but she flirted with Wes and made Bud feel jealous - but I see them both as young and immature. Sissy was immature for not realizing that once you're married you can't continue to act like you did while single.
Bud was immature for not realizing that he can't control a woman that he married for her independence and spunk. He liked Sissy's independence and spunk when it suited him. His pride and jealously along with her flirtatiousness was a disaster.

Pam was immature for willingly bedding a married man to make the wife jealous - and then thinking it would all work in her favor in the end.

The only mature people in this movie were the aunt and uncle. But I like to think that Bud and Sissy grew up a lot and in the end they valued each other and learned from their mistakes.



She did absolutely nothing different than Bud did than when his two threesome whores walked by in the diner making eyes at him with her sitting beside him.


Both of them were as bad as each other.

Its that man again!!


They weren't that much different than any other couple their age then or now. Go to any bar or club and you'll see plenty of modern day versions of Bud and Sissy.


Agreed!! If she didn't tell Bud a lie, and skip off to Gilley's to ride the bull, and of course, meet Wes there, then Bud wouldn't have had any reason to be jealous. It was her lie that started the whole fight, and he hitting her, and her skipping off with Wes, and he skipping off with the lovely and delightful and sweet and hot and cute and stunning PAM!
