Continuity Error

Just watched the TT dvd,and I noticed something I hadn't noticed when watching my old VHS copy. In the secene when "Doc" gets killed, the killer clearly has black fingernail polish on. The next time we see the killer a few minutes later,(this is when he has the towel around his neck, talking to David Copperfield about the sword), the fingernails are red,if you look closely.


You should have typed SPOILER before your message. Anyway, in almost everyscene when the killer is seen opening a door or holding a weapon, the nails are different. In one scene the hand that is the killer has no polish and in some scenes he does, so I'm just assuming Kenny was really on the ball and the director wanted the viewer to see he took every detail seriously. That makes a good killer in a movie.


The killer's nails are not shown in the scene with the towel, please look again. The director makes every effort to make sure the nails are not shown during the towel scene.

Even if you are right and you can catch a small glimpse of red nails this means very little. It is not necessarily a continuity error. The killer never wears nails while killing except when killing Doc, this leads Doc to relax and think the whole thing has been a joke (he sees the hand, thinks it belongs to Michie, relaxes, and then is killed).

It's entirely likely and probable that the killer wears painted press-on nails that you can apply and remove easily.

(and you should have included the word "spoiler" in the heading)


I thought that was the girlfriends arm that the killer might have chopped off and used to fake out Ben Johnson's character...


he did. He would chop off their hands and hold them underneath their costume that he would change into after killing them to act like them to fake everyone else out.


i dont think it was a chopped off hand cause i just watched it so its fairly fresh in my memory but maybe i have to go back and check the movie but i remember when doc got up to check under the bench didnt he get grabbed by a hand with black finger nail polish and a severed hand couldnt have grabbed his leg


It's a real hand. Severed hands don't move their fingers.

"You can't triple stamp a double stamp. You can't triple stamp a double stamp."


my thoughts were you can clearly tell its a working human hand not severed besides i think the conductor would mention the fact her hand is gone

another though is i looked at the towel scene you can't really tell the nail color, to me it looks clear. which i came up with the theory what if the killer just colored his fingernails with a black marker or something just to temporally trick doc

Hey Laser Lips Yo Momma Was A Snow Blower - Johnny 5
