A different ending[SPOILERS]
I imagined a much darker ending to this movie. In the end when alana goes to the car after finding Copperfield dead and realizing he's not the killer, she sees who she thinks is Carne with his back to her standing in the corner. She puts her hand on him and he turns around to reveal he's the killer! He's holding a knife and wearing the grouchomask with the conductorhat in the exact pose as the posterart. He slashes her and throws her out the train and she falls and hits the ice. What if it ended like that? Heroines have been eliminated before[Laurie in HALLOWEEN:RESSURECTION AND Ripley in ALIEN3,although her clone stars in ALIEN:RESSURECTION. Funny how both those sequels wind up with the word ressurection,isn't it?]. Brian Depaulma's BLOW OUT has a gutsy ending that also does this. In HE KNOWS YOUR ALONE, it's a question mark becouse her jilted fiance shows up at the end as she prepares for her wedding alone. Did any of you think he had killed Carne before he showed up to save the day? What would you think if they had this more chilling ending instead?