
Alot of people have never even heard of this movie. Does anyone think this would be a good remake? Does anybody have any good twists for a new plot? The groucho mask has to stay!

You think that when you die you go to heaven, you come to us! -The Tall Man.


I think it would be a good remake. It had such potential but I felt it fell flat. More killings, that mask was ridiculous if you ask me, a better heroine(JLC was good but the overall character was weak), and of course a lot of gore if its made nowadays. A remake could be really good.


I've heard that the remake is scheduled for release in 2008.


I think that the character who had been the victim of the prank should be the main character, and the JLC character should be the killer, revealing at the end that he had been invited by her as a scapegoat for her murders.

But at the end he manages to stop her... with the help of a character whom we believed dead (well, one clichè I don't really mind).

Doug Roberts: What do they call it when you kill people?
The Towering Inferno


If ANY horror movie is screaming for a remake, it's this one. This and "Pumpkinhead".



Of course you are entitled to your opinion. but I thought Pumpkinhead was great!


this is funny , almost all of JLC horror films are being or been remade

halloween remake 2007
prom night 2008
terror train 2008






Does every half-known horror film made more than ten years ago need a remake?

Terror Train is just fine. I bet you anything the upcoming remake will just be glossier and dumber.


A remake would be a much needed improvement. The original was borderline dull at times with a terribly unlikeable cast (sans Mitchy & Doc, Mo was alrightish), a HORRIBLE final girl, and a lack of effective suspense/memorable kills. I hope they remake this for sure. Plus, so stereotypical!!!!!!!!!!!

I do love the concept, but it could be done so much better :/

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


How many people still travel by train these days? I do wonder if they could remake this, and keep it timeless, unless of course someone were to make it a period piece like KING KONG (2005) or THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (2003).
