MovieChat Forums > Stardust Memories (1980) Discussion > One of the greatest moments on film in t...

One of the greatest moments on film in this movie....

I just thought it was amazing how Woody put together the scene of Dorrie and him in his apartment after his supposed death. The music, Charlotte Rampling's amazing acting, the lighting, the writing, all contribute to the scene's cohesive beauty. It's not something I've seen in many films and really struck a personal cord with me and it's probably the reason why i count this among my favorite Allen movies. Here's the lines:

"Just a little while back, just before I died in fact. I was on the operating table and I was searching to try to find something to hang onto, you know, cause when you're dying your life really does become very authentic and I was reaching for something to give my life meaning and a memory flashed through my mind:

It was one of those great spring days, it was Sunday, and you knew summer would be coming soon. And I remember that morning Dorrie and I had gone for a walk in the park and come back to the apartment. We were just sort of sitting around and I put on a record of Louie Armstrong which was music I grew up with and it was very, very pretty, and I happened to glance over and I saw Dorrie sitting there. And I remember thinking to myself how terrific she was and how much I loved her.

And I don't know, I guess it was a combination of everything, the sound of the music, and the breeze, and how beautiful Dorrie looked to me and for one brief moment everything just seemed to come together perfectly and I felt happy, almost indestructible in a way. It's funny, that simple little moment of contact moved me in a very, very profound way."


That was a great scene, it really struck a chord with me too. I have to say that the women in this film looked great, even more than in Woody's other movies.

"The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced."-FZ


I just finished watching this film and this scene is very touching, "profound" (although I am a sentimentalist). I'd not seen it since it was first released. It's terrific.


My favorite scene from the film. Beautiful in so many ways ... it reminds me of the scene in Manhattan where Issac (also Allen) records a verbal list of "things that make life worth living". Such poignant, universal feelings and themes.



agree with sabermeau -quite similar to the scene in manhattan.
movie was more uplifting than i remembered


Couldn't agree more. SM has always been a favorite of mine, and this is the best scene in the whole movie. An absurd life is worth living because of those little, perfect moments. The music, the setting, the weather, the woman, all combine to create a very special moment. It's a subtle and beautifully realized scene. Woody at his best.

"Push the button, Max!"


I agree. I was just coming on here to post something similar!!!

I'd like everybody's attention. Christmas is cancelled.


I completely agree! I must have rewatched that scene a million times!


Yes it was great.

And then he tops it by laughing at himself and his presumption by having members respond with "Cop-out artist!", "That was SO beautiful", and "Why do all comedians turn out to be sentimental bores?"

In other words, even when the film looks at moments of great beauty, it never allows you to get away from the fact that all of this IS just a film and not real life.
