Weird Woody Foreshadow!!
I had to do a double take when I took notice of an odd scene in Stardust Memories. In his apt. he is having an arguement with Char. Rampling I believe...over being attracted to young the same time in the background you can see an enlarged newspaper article on the wall dealing with INCEST. I just thought it is an eerie foreshadow of his future problems dealing with Mia Farrow and their children...and the question of... if anything inappropriate had taken place....and then his relationship/marriage(married in 97) with their (or Mia's and Andre Previn?) adopted korean daughter(Soon-Yi Previn..age 21 then...and the nude pix of her discovered by Mia Farrow!). NOTE: Star. Mem. has always been one of many of my fave "WOODY" films....I also have NO problem ...with and fully understand and support his love for Soon-Yi ! Check it out for a great docu. "WILD MAN BLUES" 1997....where you will not only see Woody and his wife close up....but also Woody and his parents!