We're all ugly and moronic.
That's certainly how Woody seemed to see his fanbase at the time he made this. He depicts himself as patient and polite to his fans, but them as ugly (without exception, everyone who hassles him looks like a freak - did he get a job lot of grotesque glasses and make everyone wear them?) and intrusive.
I'm a huge fan - I even defend his later, not-so-funny movies - but revisiting this after thirty years, I found it unwatchable.
I know that intrusiveness is a problem with actors, but the first thing you learn is how to deal with it. You make a deal with the devil, and this is his side of the bargain - that you will never have a private moment...in public.
I'm sure Woody met some intelligent, attractive people who asked him for an autograph - I would imagine he was glad of the attention when it was a young, attractive female - but this movie just screams "Woe is me!"
There's a way of dealing with all the adulation, and that's get out of the business. Thankfully Woody hasn't done that and seems to have calmed down and learnt to handle things better.
Awight we're The Daamned we're a punk baand and this is called Carn't Be Appy T'day!