Not the kind of movie I would like
(reposting this cause the GD administrator deleted ALL my messages - and they've never given me ANY reason why and "can't restore the messages" - @#$%^&*! anyhoo)
I'm a film school graduate. My brain has been "indoctrinated" to see film thru a prism of specificities. Have seen differing films of over the last century from the silents to the "golden age classics" to contemporary and thus SUPPOSEDLY my brain is supposed to "know" good films from the bad films. I've been "trained" to "know" why Citizen Kane and 2001: A Space Odyssey are, apparently, the pinnacles of film making. And I agree that the two films are masterpieces.
Sooooo.... some time in the past I'm on the computer (probably surfing the net) and the television is on but I'm not paying attention to what's playing on TV. Well, for whatever reason, I get distracted from the computer/internet and for some reason whatever was on the TV caught my attention; yup it was Somewhere in Time. I started watching and then got really REALLY into watching the movie. By the end, the "reunion" of Richard and Elise had me in a sad/happy/melancholic/joyous mood.
Somewhere in Time is not the type of movie my film snobbery self should like but my treasured Somewhere in Time DVD presently sits on the shelves along with my Kane and 2001/Kubrick and Passion of Joan of Arc and Chaplin and Eisenstein and John Ford and Wilder and Bergman and Fellini and Scorsese and Coen Brothers and Ang Lee and various other Sight and Sound "greatest films in cinema" DVDs.
Oh, the ending Rachmoninov-themed music was so beautiful that I've collected most of the music to Somewhere in Time as well.
"If you really want something in life you have to work for it. Now quiet, they're about to announce the lottery numbers."
Homer Simpson